Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Personal Biography

I started to show interest in art in elementary school. I was always so excited when I had art class so when I got to high school I knew that I wanted to continue to take art classes. Since being in high school, I have taken four years of ceramics and one year of photography. Currently, I like to make functional pottery. I like to create things I can actually put to use. My art classes have helped me with overcoming challenges and how to overcome them. This will help me in the future because I will have the skill of how to overcome the challenges when something unexpected happens. 

The Process

After deciding on the topic of Toxic Relationships, I started to sketch out what I wanted my project to look like. After that, I made sure to wedge my clay so that it was ready to use for my project. Then, I got some newspaper, shaped and taped it to how my project was going to look like. From there I rolled a slab and started wrapping the newspaper with the clay. After that I would slip and score everything together. Then, I would smooth everything out, begin to sculpt my appliques, attach them by slip and scoring and then I let the entire piece to dry completely. Once it was fired, I sanded my whole project to make it smooth. Then I glazed the entire project and put it in the kiln for one last firing. After it was done, I added flowers on the tubes that symbolized that everyone who has overcome Toxic Relationships.

Connecting the Capstone

My artwork is based on Toxic Relationships. This topic is important to me because it is hard to see people in these type of situations. I hope everyone who overcomes these relationships heals and realizes they can create a new life on their own.

Future Changes

In the future, I would like to improve on smoothing. It is bumpy and I would like to smooth out more during the sculpting and the sanding stages. I would also like to improve on my glazing. It is patchy and I would like to add more layers to make it look nice and even.