
What is the PTO?

IRE PTO's (Indian Run Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization) purpose is to provide a structured organization for promoting communication, cooperation and collaboration between home, school and the greater Dublin community in the education of our children. IRE PTO raises funds to support the purpose of the organization.

Who are the members?

Teachers, staff and parents or guardians of a child at Indian Run Elementary School you are automatically a member of the PTO. Any Dublin School District resident may become a member.

For the PTO to be effective and truly representative of our school, your participation is essential. It takes all of us- parents, guardians, teachers and staff- working together to create the best educational experience for our children.

When does the PTO meet?

All IRE families are invited and encouraged to attend our two general meetings held either in the IRE Commons or via Google Meet in January and May to recap what we have done during the semester, discuss upcoming events and activities and also provide a platform to allow IRE families to discuss issues and raise questions.

The IRE PTO Executive Board meets monthly during the school year on the first Thursday of the month to manage events and activities that the PTO sponsors and to collaborate with the school community to identify PTO needs.

What does the PTO do?

Each year the PTO provides a wide range of programs, activities, events, and resources that help our students grow into smart, healthy and well-rounded individuals. Some examples of how the PTO enriches our Students’ Experience, Supports our Teachers, and Builds Community:

  • Playground equipment

  • Field trips

  • Visiting authors and speakers

  • Fair of Hearts

  • New technology

  • Grow to Serve Garden

  • Conference night meals

  • Teacher grants

  • Back to school social

  • Ice Skating Party

  • PREC grants

  • PTO President's Scholarship

  • IRE/John Orr Scholarship

How is the PTO Funded?

Our PTO runs exclusively on donations and passive fundraising like Amazon Smile, Dine & Donate nights and spirit wear sales — we DO NOT conduct sale-based fundraisers, so your support is crucial. Be assured that 100% of the money raised goes to the IRE PTO and is spent on programs, infrastructure, or materials that improve the learning experience for IRE students!

How can I help?

The IRE PTO needs you! There are many volunteer opportunities to support the PTO. These include volunteering for events, parties, at-home preparations, donations and more. We have volunteer opportunities for everyone – moms, dads, working parents, stay-at-home parents, grandparents, parents with younger siblings at home.

Thank you in advance for your support of the IRE PTO! Your involvement is vital to a successful educational experience for our children!