Research and policy

Work in progress

Hacking negative immigration attitudes and stereotypes: a randomized intervention in high-schools in Italy (with Sara Giunti, Andrea Guariso and Mariapia Mendola), in progress 2023.

Trial registration: AEARCTR-0010674

Policy reports and publications

6th Migration Observatory Report "Immigrant Integration in Europe" (with Tommaso Frattini), 2022.

The report is articulated in two parts. In the first part, we use data from the latest edition of the European Labour Force Survey (2020) to provide a concise, easily accessible and up-to-date source of reference regarding the size, characteristics, and relative economic performance of immigrants in EU countries. In the second part, instead, we focus on the gendered dimensions of immigrant economic integration. First, we describe the main characteristics of immigrant women in Europe and contrast them with those of immigrant men; then, we analyse their differential labour market outcomes relative to both immigrant men and native women. 

We show that women face considerable disadvantages in the labour market. They have a lower employment probability, are employed in less economically rewarding occupations, and earn lower wages than men even when they perform comparable jobs. Such gender inequality is exacerbated for immigrant women, who face labour market penalties over and above those faced by immigrant men.

Research note on the impact of unit non-response rate in the 2020 EU LFS (with Tommaso Frattini), 2022.

According to the European Labour Force Survey (EU LFS), the number of immigrants between 2019 and 2020 has decreased by about 4 million individuals in Europe and by about 3 million in EU14 countries. It is possible that, because of the extraordinary circumstances caused by the pandemic, a substantial part of the individuals that would have moved to Europe during the year did not, and that many of those that were already living in Europe may have moved back home. However, while this would fit the trend observed in the data, a number of clues point to other, possibly complementary, explanations for the reversal of the positive trend followed by the stock of immigrants in the past several years. There are at least two reasons why estimates of the size of the immigrant population obtained from Labour Force Surveys in 2022 may not be correct, which we investigate in this research note: 1) weights may be incorrectly estimated; 2) non-response may have differentially increased among natives than among immigrants.

Report on TRAFIG survey data (with Tommaso Frattini, in collaboration with Ferruccio Pastore), 2022.

In this report we provide an in-depth analysis of part of the interviews conducted with 600 migrants in “situation of protracted displacement” in Greece and Italy within the framework of the TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement) research project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under grant No. 822453 (

Book chapters

Chapter 14 in "Le migrazioni femminili in Italia. Percorsi di affermazione oltre le vulnerabilità", Edizioni IDOS, Roma.