
Photo by David Ausserhofer

I was born and raised in northern Spain,  in a small region called Asturias. Since I was 16 I have studied under different scholarships that have taken me to Vancouver Island, New York, Abu Dhabi, Barcelona, and Florence. My life experiences have shaped my interest in the two research themes I focus on as a social scientist. Namely, my early luck obtaining different generous scholarships sparked my interest in understanding the widening social inequalities that I saw around me and the many years I have spent being an immigrant in other countries have inspired my interest in the topic of migration.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute where I investigated when and why people come to oppose large income disparities with a particular focus on the role of natural disasters. I also hold an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona School of Economics and a BA in Political Science from New York University.

Since September 2021, I work at the Migration and Diversity department at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, where I coordinate the TRANSMIT project.  In this project we are collecting longitudinal data on migration intentions and aspirations of prospective migrants in Nigeria, The Gambia, and Senegal as well as data on West Africans living in Germany.

My work has been published in European Sociological Review. You can have a look at my publications here or at my Google Scholar profile.