Irene Pañeda-Fernández

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Migration and Diversity department

WZB Berlin Social Science Center



I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science CenterMy research interests lie in the broad themes of inequality and migration. Within the first theme, I work specifically on understanding when and why people come to oppose large income disparities. Within the second, I work on understanding the determinants of migration aspirations as well as attitudes toward immigrants and refugees. My research relies on experimental or quasi-experimental designs for causal inference and I analyze a combination of geo-spatial data, large scale original or secondary surveys, and experimental data.

In January 2022, I obtained my Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute.

In this website you'll find more information about me, my research, as well as the projects I am involved in.

You can also have a look at my profiles on Google Scholar and the WZB or follow me on Twitter.

Photo by David Ausserhofer