
For students eager to learn more about our project and to better understand its broader context, on this page you will find a selection of readings.  These include project reports and publications as well as secondary sources.  

Castles in Communities Publications and Reports

Ballintober Castle_15E0232_2022_report.pdf
Ballintober Castle_15E0232_Brady Cearley Boyd Brody Bair Connell Kranzler_ 2019_Final_combined_PDFA.pdf

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2022": Site report prepared after the 2022 field season.

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2019": Site report prepared after the 2019 field season.


"Castles in Communities: A Roscommon Field School Collaboration": Article for the Archaeology Ireland magazine, 2018. 

Ballintober Castle_15E0232_ Brady Connell Cearley Bair_ 2017.pdf

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2017": Site report prepared after the 2017 field season. 

Ballintober Castle_15E0232_Brady_and_ Connell_2015.pdf

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2015": Site report prepared after the 2015 field season. 

Ballintober Castle_15E0232_ 2018.pdf

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2018": Site report prepared after the 2018 field season.

Ballintober Castle_15E0232_ Brady Connell Cearley Conyers_2016.pdf

"Castles in Communities Site Report: 2016": Site report prepared after the 2016 field season. 

Ballintober Castle survey_Brady2014_Text.pdf

"Survey of Ballintober Castle: 2014": Report by Niall Brady, provides useful historiography of Ballintober Castle.  

Medieval Ireland

1988 Graham.pdf

'Medieval Settlement in County Roscommon': Classic paper by B. J. Graham (1988), offers an overview of evidence for medieval settlement in Roscommon.  In many ways a foreward thinking article, posing questions with which our project are currently grappling. 

2019 Brady_RURALIA_XII_2019.pdf

Niall Brady. 'Rural settlement in later medieval Ireland through the lens of deserted settlements' in Brady and Theune (eds) Settlement change across medieval Europe. Old paradigms and new vistas. RURALIA XII (Leiden 2019), 137-146. Touches on topics the project is very involved in.

Conservation Management Plan


Archaeological Field Methods

Archaeology Recording_Final.pdf

Archaeological Recording Practices: Handbook for archaeological field recording by Gemma Stuart (2013).  

Community and Public Archaeology

2012: Atalay Community Archaeology Chapter One

Community Based Archaeology: In her 2012 book, Sonya Atalay investigates the rewards and challenges of archaeological research partnerships with local communities. Only the first chapter is attached here, which provides a general overview of Atalay's thesis.  

Related Research