Is There a Creator?

At some point in their lives, it is likely that most of us will question how we came into existence. Even the innocent undeveloped mind of a child questions: "where did we come from?" Then why do we stop asking these crucial questions about life as we grow older and are more able to understand the explanations? Sadly, we have little free time to ponder over these issues. In this modern age of science and technology, there is 'so much to do and so little time'. There is plenty to fill the gaps and empty spaces, even between activities, that the mind rarely has a chance to explore these 'outside' issues (i.e. outside of that in which the mind has been actively engaged). With the help of media, music, alcohol, drugs, etc., it becomes easy to fill even the smallest unit of free time with 'something to do'. So although the questions are still there in the back of the mind, sufficient time is not allocated to looking for the answers. Sometimes people may not care about the answers. Again, it may come down to the fact that there is so much else to do that this falls very low in the order of priority. Or it may be that they are scared of the answers.

An intelligent adult that has pondered about their existence would in some way have asked the question, "Is there a Creator?" To expand on that, "Is there a creator, a supreme power who has created us and everything around us?"  The conclusion that they came to would fall into three simple categories:

• No • Yes • May be

Not only is the conclusion that one draws very significant, but also the methods by which one comes to the conclusion. You will have experienced from having studied science or mathematics based subjects at school that in the exams or assignments, the right answer naturally carries credit but also the explanation of the methods used to obtain the answer. Even if you have the correct answer, this does not necessarily mean that you have the right knowledge. Having sound knowledge is to achieve understanding of the answer. 

Let us consider each of the above answers in turn (click on the below section title to expand it).


If we consider first the answer "No, there is no Creator!" it is very important to understand how you came to this conclusion. To realise that you have the right knowledge and understanding, you have to explore your methods. How much time and effort did you expend? How much research did you do? What sources did you utilise? What are your reasons? And so on and so forth. You have to consider: why should this question not be deserved of a structured investigation? Why should it not be subjected to critical analysis and proofs of reasoning? It is such a huge question that you should not reject the possibility entirely without exploring all sources.

Possible Reasons

Let us consider, for example, the above statement: is that a valid justification? You must note that this statement does not speak so much about the existence of a creator, but rather about the Creator's attributes (i.e. what is the Creator like?) For instance, it assumes that the Creator would not allow suffering. So this question actually becomes "Why does the Creator allow suffering?" For someone to ask this question, they first have to accept that there is a Creator! Otherwise, no matter what answer they are given they will not be content with the explanation. There is no point in asking "what does the Creator allow?" or "what are the characteristics of the Supreme Power?" without first having concluded whether or not such a being exists. 

So the first step is

1) Is there a Creator?

Then, and only then,

2) Who is the Creator? (this includes names, attributes, characteristics, etc.)

With regard to the above statement, one has to ask: but does science really deny the existence of a Creator? Have scientists provided conclusive evidence that the universe was uncreated? The truth is that there are prominent scientists that say "Yes" and those that will say "May be" and others that say "No." In fact, there are many that attempt to prove the existence of a Creator with the aid of science. So in many cases, advancements in science and technology actually help to realise the concept of a Creator rather than deny it.


Those that accept that there is a Creator face an even harder task of finding out who the Creator is. The majority explore this by means of religion. However, there are some who accept that there is a Creator but do little to find out who that is and the purpose of creation. This could be due to some of the reasons discussed in the introductory section or it could be for the reason that 'ignorance is bliss'. For example, if you realise your Creator by means of religion; then all religions set down some guidelines for human behaviour to which you would be obliged to adhere. For example, you may not want to explore the concept of the Creator in Islām because the religion requires you to abstain from alcohol. As there are different concepts of the Creator, should you really first look at the guidelines of behaviour that belong with each concept? To truly understand who the Creator is, the primary focus should be exactly that, i.e., the concept of the Creator. Once you have identified who the Creator is, then you ask "how does the Creator want me to live my life" or "why does the Creator want me to that?" or even "what is the best way to live my life?"

If you ask why did the Creator prohibit a certain thing, there are naturally answers but the question is pointless unless you accept that this Being is actually your Creator. Does it make logical sense to first ask "why does the Creator want me to do this?" and suspend belief in the Creator until you find a satisfactory answer? You should not deny yourself a source of truth because it seems difficult for you to adhere to its guidelines. Of course, a complex creation such as human beings can oppose their instincts, do things that they know to be harmful for them and reject things that they know to be good for them. In the same manner, it is possible to accept and understand who your Creator is, but still not comply fully to the guidelines set by the Creator.

May be...

Generally, those who haven't had sufficient evidence to accept or reject would be in that state. Sometimes "may be" could also be the answer of someone that really thinks "no" but does not want to get into a discussion about it. It could also be someone who does not care either way. That is, they may feel they have better things to do with their time. However, let us consider those that have actually questioned, searched, analysed and are still inconclusive on the issue. Therefore, the apt course of action for them is to continue to question and seek the truth. 


For the purpose of this article, let us simplify the definition of religion to say that religion, in brief, is a Belief System and a Way.

Sometimes people may consider accepting a religion because they like it's 'Way'. It is important to remember then that most major religions actually enjoin good and forbid evil. If you are shaking your head as you read this, you may be thinking of the followers of religion, rather than the religion itself (we shall discuss this later). So, if the 'Way' of the religion is good, does it matter what religion you follow? Yes, it does matter, as you have to also consider the Belief System. Does that religion provide the correct concept of the God? Does it recognise our Creator by the correct attributes? For example, if a religion says that the Creator is One God, who is Most Gracious, Most Merciful, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; then these are attributes of the Creator.

The 'Way' of a religion takes a lot more time to understand and learn. Also, it may be confusing as the followers of the religion may not be practising its 'Way' properly. Just bear in mind that a religion which prohibits killing also has killers that claim to be followers of that religion (just consider Hitler and Christianity). It is down to the free will of human beings that they can accept and practice the guidance of their Creator willingly, or reject the guidance. It is very important not to judge a religion based on how a society or group of people have interpreted it. By all means you may reject that group of people, but should you reject your Creator because of them?

The question arises then; if you are looking at religion to understand and seek the truth, how do you go about finding it?

Examine the Belief System: 

Examine the Scriptures:

The scriptures of a religion are absolutely essential in understanding that religion. After all, these are the original sources that define the concepts and guidance for the followers of that religion. The scriptures may say one thing but some followers of that religion may be doing the complete opposite. So to understand that religion, would it be right to consider only the practice of those followers and disregard the scriptures?

Do You Need to Seek The Creator?

If you look around you at the vastness of the universe, yet the minute detail of every object therein, you may contemplate over its grand design.

If you believe in an overruling power, you may believe it can control or influence your life. From that point of view, it makes sense to be on good terms with your Creator. Otherwise you may accept that there may be consequences and are willing to face them.

Also, anything of any significance tends to have a purpose, so seeking the Creator would be a way to answer the question: What is the purpose of life?

Since religions do exist that claim to have a Message from the Creator, you need to at least look into it. If you were never aware of the Message, if despite your efforts to seek your Creator, you never received guidance; then that's a different story.

An open mind, logic, reasoning, humility and ask for guidance from the Creator. If you have accepted that there is an overruling power, but are having difficulty realising who that is, then ask the Creator, "allow me to realise the correct concept of who You are (Belief System)" and "show me the correct Way."