Welcome to my website

I am an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens where I teach Microeconomic Theory at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and Mathematics at the graduate level. In the past, I have taught Game Theory at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, I teach a graduate course in Financial Econometrics in the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the National Technical University of Athens.

I studied Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens where I obtained BS (Honors), MPhil, and PhD degrees in Economics specializing in Economic Theory, Statistics, Econometrics, and Economic Dynamics (PhD).

My research spans a variety of themes including game theory, oligopolistic competition, public economics, heuristic models, corruption deterrence models, and systems control theory. I use analytical tools to answer questions related to the dynamics of firm competition, the effectiveness of tax schemes in attracting foreign investment, game theoretical concepts and their application in areas such as OTC markets and corruption deterrence schemes, and system dynamics.

In the links to your left you can find

  • A Curriculum Vitae

  • Publications

  • Notes for the graduate course Financial Econometrics (in Greek)


E-mail address:

  • hkollias@econ.uoa.gr