Abstracts are invited from the following areas

Abstracts are invited from almost all areas related to chemistry, chemical science, Pharmaceutical Science, Biochemistry, Synthetic Biology, Drug delivery. And, specifically from the following areas;

  1. Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology
  2. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biology
  3. Protein Chemistry
  4. Biophysical Chemistry
  5. Drug discovery
  6. Biomolecular Computational Chemistry
  7. Plant Biology

Instructions for Abstract Preparation

Please make your abstract in MS word in order to make it easy for editing and follow these instructions.

a) First line should be the title of Abstract.

b) Second line should contain name of all authors contributing towards the work. (Underline the presenting author and star mark to corresponding author)

c) Third line should have email ID of corresponding Author.

d) Fourth Line should have the complete address of the corresponding author.

e) Then body of the topic containing text (not more than 500 words)

f) Last section is Reference (format of reference: author name, title, journal, year, volume (issue), page number)

NB: Abstract should be written in Times New Roman 12 front and schemes preferably using chem draw/advanced chem bio draw.

Please Send your Abstract and Registration form to the email- ips.nitchem@gmail.com

Abstracts with filled registration form will ONLY be accepted. No hard copy of abstract or paper will be accepted.