IPPI 2018

Ideals of Powers and Powers of Ideals

- Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) -

22nd - 24th March 2018

In the PRAGMATIC2017 research school young researchers coming from international institutions have been introduced to actual and relevant research topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry by the lectures of Enrico Carlini (Politecnico di Torino), Tai Hà (Tulane U.), Brian Harbourne (U. Nebraska-Lincoln) and Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster U.). Working groups have been formed to focus on some specific research problems.

The main aim of this workshop is to help the young researchers to keep working on their research topics from PRAGMATIC2017 giving them feedback from senior researchers and offering them the opportunity to present their work.

The senior lecturers are:

The research topics include:

  • Regularity of ordinary and symbolic powers of edge ideals
  • Associated primes of ordinary powers of ideals related to graphs
  • Containments problems between ordinary powers and symbolic powers of ideals
  • Linear systems of plane curves with multiple base points and variants of SHGH Conjecture
  • Waring problems for homogeneous polynomials


E. Carlini (Politecnico di Torino)

G. Casnati (Politecnico di Torino)

E. Guardo (U. di Catania)

A. Oneto (UPC Barcelona)

A. Ragusa (U. di Catania)

If you want to participate:

contact us at one of following emails

Enrico Carlini


Alessandro Oneto


Similar post-Pragmatic events have been also held in Stockholm (2011) and London (2014).
