
A detailed version of the program in pdf format can be found here. Zoom links for each room will be emailed to registered participants one week before the conference.

Program Schedule

Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Pre-conference virtual meet-and-greet session (via

July 1, 2021 12:00 – 13:00

Plenary Session 1

“Orléans” Lecture Theatre

July 1, 2021 13:00 – 14:00

Gary Chamberlain Lecture by Martin Weidner: “Bounds on average effects in discrete choice panel data models”.

Parallel Sessions 1

July 1, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

Latent Group Structures, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Credit Markets and Banking, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Covid-19, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Parallel Sessions 2

July 1, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

Microstructure, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Labour Markets, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Heterogeneous Panels, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Parallel Sessions 3

July 1, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

Economic Growth, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Semi-Parametric Methods and Models, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Binary Choice Models, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 2

“Orléans” Lecture Theatre

July 1, 2021 18:45 to 19:45

Stata Lecture by Antonio Galvao: “Bootstrap inference for panel data quantile regression”

Virtual social meetings (via

July 1, 2021 19:45 – 21:00

Virtual social meetings (via

July 2, 2021 12:00 – 13:00

Plenary Session 3

“Orléans” Lecture Theatre

July 2, 2021 13:00 – 14:00

“Survey response behaviour as a proxy for unobserved ability: Theory and evidence” by Stefanie Schurer

Parallel Sessions 4

July 2, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

Central Banking, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

High Dimensional Models, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Innovation and Development, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Parallel Sessions 5

July 2, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

Macroeconomic Applications, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Common Factor Models, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Sample Selection, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Parallel Sessions 6

July 2, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

Firms and Productivity, “Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Policy Evaluation and Clustering, “Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Inequality, “Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 4

“Orléans” Lecture Theatre

July 2, 2021 18:45 to 19:45

IAAE Lecture by Stéphane Bonhomme: “Sensitivity analysis in panel data”.

Virtual social meetings (via

July 2, 2021 19:45 – 21:00

IPDC 2021 Annual Conference

Detailed List of Sessions

Session 1: Gary Chamberlain Lecture by Martin Weidner: Bounds on Average Effects in Discrete Choice Panel Data Models

July 1, 2021 13:00 to 14:00

Orléans” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Artūras Juodis, University of Amsterdam

Session type: invited

Session 2: Latent Group Structures

July 1, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Daniel Czarnowske, University of Düsseldorf

Session type: contributed

Estimation of panel group structure models with structural breaks in group memberships and coefficients

Presented by: Ryo Okui, Seoul National University

Group-level heterogeneity in slope coefficients, time fixed effects and error variance

Presented by: Jhordano Aguilar Loyo, University of Groningen

A classifier-lasso approach for estimating production functions with latent group structures

Presented by: Daniel Czarnowske, University of Düsseldorf

Session 3: Credit Markets and Banking

July 1, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Christoph Siebenbrunner, Oxford University

Session type: contributed

The effect of export credit agencies on firm export and performance

Presented by: Haeyeon Yoon, University of Bristol

Bowling alone, buying alone: the decline of co-borrowers in the US mortgage market

Presented by: Swapnil Singh, Bank of Lithuania

The moral hazard problem in banks' risk reporting

Presented by: Christoph Siebenbrunner, Oxford University

Session 4: Covid-19

July 1, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Ioannis Karavias, University of Birmingham

Session type: contributed

An econometric panel data model of the Covid-19 pandemic

Presented by: Paul Rilstone, York University

Econometric explanation of the number of deaths due to Covid-19 for a panel of countries

Presented by: Abdessamad Ouchen, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University

Depth-weighted forecast combination: application to Covid-19 cases

Presented by: Yoonseok Lee, Syracuse University

Structural breaks in interactive effects panels and the stock market reaction to Covid-19

Presented by: Ioannis Karavias, University of Birmingham

Session 5: Microstructure

July 1, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Marcel Voia, Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans

Session type: contributed

Shapes as product differentiation: neural network embedding in the analysis of markets for font

Presented by: Sukjin Han, University of Bristol

Optimal price targeting

Presented by: Adam Smith

Sectoral uncertainty

Presented by: Kerem Tuzcuoglu, Bank of Canada

Effects of innovation and financing on startup firm survival and growth

Presented by: Marcel Voia, Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans

Session 6: Labour Markets

July 1, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Badi Baltagi, Syracuse University

The effect of public work programme in Hungary on private sector wages

Presented by: Lajos Szabó, Central European University

The dynamics of health, employment and working hours

Presented by: Thierry Kamionka, ENSAE Paris

Spatial wage curves for formal and informal workers in Turkey

Presented by: Badi Baltagi, Syracuse University

Session 7: Heterogeneous Panels

July 1, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Fabio Canova, BI Norwegian Business School

Session type: contributed

Estimation and inference in large heterogeneous panels with stochastic time-varying coefficients

Presented by: Yu Bai, Bocconi University

Identification and estimation of dynamic heterogeneous unbalanced panels in the presence of clustering

Presented by: Monika Avila Marquez, University of Geneva

Unit-model averaging for heterogenous panels

Presented by: Vladislav Morozov, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Should we trust cross sectional multiplier estimates?

Presented by: Fabio Canova, BI Norwegian Business School

Session 8: Economic Growth

July 1, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Markus Eberhardt, University of Nottingham

Session type: contributed

Schooling is not learning - The impact of the learning-adjusted years of schooling on growth in a dynamic panel data framework

Presented by: Linda Glawe, University of Hagen-Fern

Microfinance, Competition and Growth

Presented by: Asma Boussetta, Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans

Expecting the unexpected: economic growth under stress

Presented by: Vladimir Rodriguez-Caballero, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Democracy doesn't always happen overnight: Regime change in stages and economic growth

Presented by: Markus Eberhardt, University of Nottingham

Session 9: Semi-Parametric Methods and Models

July 1, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Christopher Parmeter, University of Miami

Session type: contributed

A semiparametric panel data model with common factors and spatial dependence: the knowledge production function

Presented by: Alexandra Soberon, Universidad de Cantabria

Linear panel regression with two-way unobserved heterogeneity

Presented by: Hugo Freeman, University College London

More efficient estimation of multiplicative panel data models in the presence of serial correlation

Presented by: Nicholas Brown, Michigan State University

Estimation and inference in multidimensional semiparametric smooth coefficient fixed-effects panel data regression models

Presented by: Christopher Parmeter, University of Miami

Session 10: Binary Choice Models

July 1, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Michaela Kesina, University of Groningen

Session type: contributed

New conditional fixed effects logit estimator for panel binary outcomes with serial correlation

Presented by: Lin Xu, University of Zurich

State dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in the extensive margin of trade

Presented by: Amrei Stammann, Ruhr-University Bochum

Identification and estimation of average marginal effects in fixed effect logit models

Presented by: Louise Laage, Georgetown University

Bayesian estimation of multivariate panel probits with higher-order network interdependence and an application to firms' global market participation in Guangdong

Presented by: Michaela Kesina, University of Groningen

Session 11: Stata Lecture by Antonio Galvao: Bootstrap Inference for Panel Data Quantile Regression

July 1, 2021 18:45 to 19:45

Orléans” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Almas Heshmati, Jönköping University

Session type: invited

Session 12: Survey Response Behaviour as a Proxy for Unobserved Ability: Theory and Evidence” by Stefanie Schurer

July 2, 2021 13:00 to 14:00

Orléans” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Robin Sickles, Rice University

Session type: invited

Session 13: Central Banking

July 2, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Dooyeon Cho, Sungkyunkwan University

Session type: contributed

Empirical Evidence of the Lending Channel of Monetary Policy under Negative Interest Rates

Presented by: Whelsy Boungou, LAREFI - University of Bordeaux

Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Does Central Bank Credibility Matter?

Presented by: Elham Kamal

COVID-induced sovereign risk in the euro area: When did the ECB stop the spread?

Presented by: Aymeric Ortmans, Queen Mary University of London

Inflation targeting under commitment or discretion: does an improvement in macroeconomic conditions matter?

Presented by: Dooyeon Cho, Sungkyunkwan University

Session 14: High Dimensional Models

July 2, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Degui Li, University of York

Session type: contributed

Quantile-based network recovery from panel data

Presented by: Yutao Sun, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Machine learning panel data regressions with an application to nowcasting price earnings ratios

Presented by: Andrii Babii, University of North Carolina

Detection of Multiple Structural Breaks in Large Covariance Matrices

Presented by: Degui Li, University of York

Session 15: Innovation and Development

July 2, 2021 14:10 to 15:30

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Almas Heshmati, Jönköping University

Session type: contributed

Does IPR protection alone provide enough incentive for innovation? Evidence from environmental technology patents

Presented by: Aneeq Asawar, Swinburne University of Technology

Monetary autonomy, trilemma and international reserves in emerging countries

Presented by: Théo Lamagnere, Université de Bordeaux

Digital finance, development, and climate change

Presented by: Çiğdem Yılmaz Özsoy, Istanbul Ayvansaray University

Relationship between the real estate sector and the stock market in China

Presented by: Almas Heshmati, Jönköping University

Session 16: Macroeconomic Applications

July 2, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Jacques Mairesse, United Nations University

Session type: contributed

Fixed exchange rates - a friend or foe of labour cost adjustments?

Presented by: Balint Tatar, Goethe University

Nonlinear dynamic gravity model of bilateral trade with flexible adjustment speed

Presented by: Nam Seok Kim, Syracuse University

Labour shares in the EU: cross-country heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence

Presented by: Ilias Kostarakos, ESRI

Economic adjustment during the great recession: the role of managerial quality

Presented by: Jacques Mairesse, United Nations University

Session 17: Common Factor Models

July 2, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Lorenzo Trapani, University of Nottingham

Session type: contributed

Panel Cointegration Bounds Testing with Common Factors

Presented by: Josep Carrion-i-Silvestre, Universitat de Barcelona

Systematic Comovement in Threshold Group-Factor Models

Presented by: Daniele Massacci, King’s College London

Factor models with downside risk

Presented by: Lorenzo Trapani, University of Nottingham

Session 18: Sample Selection

July 2, 2021 15:40 to 17:00

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Alyssa Carlson, University of Missouri

Session type: contributed

Correcting for Sample Selection Bias in Dyadic Regressions

Presented by: Gabriela Szini, University of Amsterdam

Consistent estimation of panel data sample selection models

Presented by: Sergi Jimenez Martin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The identification of time-invariant variables in a fixed effect framework

Presented by: Laura Magazzini, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Sample selection in linear panel data models with heterogeneous coefficients

Presented by: Alyssa Carlson, University of Missouri

Session 19: Firms and Productivity

July 2, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Oslo” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Francesco Marchionne, Indiana University

Session type: contributed

Does Monetary Policy Affect Mergers and Acquisitions?

Presented by: Johannes Fischer, European University Institute

Production, investment, and wealth dynamics under financial frictions: an empirical investigation of the self-financing channel

Presented by: Lucciano Villacorta, Banco Centra de Chile

Industry-specific productivity and spatial spillovers through input-output linkages: evidence from Asia-pacific value chain

Presented by: Robin Sickles, Rice University

Frequency vs. size of bank fines in local credit markets

Presented by: Francesco Marchionne, Indiana University

Session 20: Policy Evaluation and Clustering

July 2, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Amsterdam” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Artūras Juodis, University of Amsterdam

Session type: contributed

Algorithmic subsampling under multiway clustering

Presented by: Jiatong Li, Vanderbilt University

On policy evaluation with aggregate time-series shocks

Presented by: Dmitry Arkhangelsky, CEMFI

Treatment effects in interactive fixed effects models

Presented by: Brantly Callaway, University of Georgia

This shock is different: estimation and inference in misspecified two-way fixed effects panel regressions

Presented by: Artūras Juodis, University of Amsterdam

Session 21: Inequality

July 2, 2021 17:10 to 18:30

“Jönköping” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Sabien Dobbelaere, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Session type: contributed

Life-cycle inequality: the blacks and whites differential

Presented by: Costanza Naguib, University of Bern

Economic mobility: evidence from Togo

Presented by: Ikpidi Badji, Université Paris-Nanterre

Organised labour, labour market imperfections, and employer wage premia

Presented by: Sabien Dobbelaere, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Session 22: IAAE Lecture by Stéphane Bonhomme: Sensitivity Analysis in Panel Data

July 2, 2021 18:45 to 19:45

Orléans” Lecture Theatre

Session Chair: Marcel Voia, Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans

Session type: invited