Submission Details

Template, Formatting and Page Length

Our workshop uses the same template with and follows the same formatting & page length limitations of the ECCV 2020. In short, papers can be at most 14 pages long, excluding references. Please follow the detailed guidelines of ECCV 2020 at the following link:

Authors can submit a single supplementary file.

Submission Page

Papers should be submitted at the following page:


Each paper will be assigned to three expert reviewers. Following the guidelines of ECCV 2020, reviewing will be double blind. Authors must anonymise their papers and avoid providing any information that might identify them.


Accepted papers will be published in the ECCV 2020 Workshop Proceedings and will be accessible at the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF) archive.


All deadlines are with respect to the Pacific Timezone (PT).

Paper submission: 12 July 2020. 7 July 2020.

Notification: 10 August 2020. 28 July 2020.

Camera ready: 6 August 2020. 7 August 2020.

Video uploads: 21 August 2020.

Workshop: 28 August 2020.