IPC Eastern Region Sunday School Association

Important Dates

Annual Online Examination  - Sunday, September 8, 2024 (4 - 6 pm)

Anniversary at the IPC ER Convention - Saturday, October 12, 2024

2024 Examination Guidelines

Syllabus for school year ending Sept. 2024 


Frequently asked questions

1. My church is following the IPC curriculum. Do we need to adopt the Radiant Life curriculum?

This is a decision to be made by the local Sunday school. The Sunday school association desires to provide the best possible options for Christian education to our children. Both the IPC and Radiant Life curriculums have excellent Bible based learning content. A combination of both the curriculum gives students a very good depth and breadth of Christian theological education, allowing them to grow into committed disciples of Christ in this generation. You are welcome to adopt both the curricula or stick to either one of them. 

2. My church is following the IPC curriculum. Can we use the Radiant Life curriculum too? How do we do that?

If your local church is currently following the IPC curriculum, you are welcome to also adopt the Radiant Life curriculum and teach it too. The IPC curriculum for each class has 20 lessons. This in general, can be taught in 20-25 weeks. The remain time of the year could be used to teach the Radiant Life material. While it is solely up to the local Sunday school/individual teacher to decide how to manage the remaining time, we believe it is possible to teach both curricula side-by-side. For example, one could teach lessons from each curriculum every alternate week.

3. My church is following the Radiant Life curriculum. Do we need to adopt the IPC curriculum?

This is a decision to be made by the local Sunday school. The Sunday school association desires to provide the best possible options for Christian education to our children. Both the IPC and Radiant Life curriculums have excellent Bible based learning content. A combination of both the curriculum gives students a very good depth and breadth of Christian theological education, allowing them to grow into committed disciples of Christ in this generation. You are welcome to adopt both the curricula or stick to either one of them. 

4. Is it possible to mix-and-match both curriculum at different grade levels?

Yes, it is possible to do that. A local Sunday school can decide to teach different material at different grade levels. For example, may be use the IPC curriculum for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Radiant Life for other grade levels. This is a decision to be made by the local Sunday school. 

5. How will the annual exam look like?

There will be separate exams based on the 2 syllabuses of individual curriculum for each grade level. See above for links to grade-level textbooks and syllabus. Students can choose to take part in either or both exams. If they wish to attempt both exams, they will have to take each exam separately, one after the other.  The choices of exam will have to be indicated in advance at the time of registration of students for the exam.  Registration notifications will be sent out during the June-July time frame. 

Annual online exams will have multiple choice based questions, covering the syllabus for each grade based on content and memory verses.  Grade level prizes will be awarded separately for each curriculum. We anticipate having the year-end exam in September. Results of the exams will be announced at the annual Region Sunday school anniversary held along with the IPC ER Region Convention in October  (see important dates above).

7. How do we get grade-level textbooks?

Please see the links above. PDF copies of textbooks from the IPC curriculum are readily available for download. Radiant Life textbooks have to be ordered in a timely manner directly from the publishing house by the local Sunday school. The association does not have any ties with the Radiant Life publisher. Please plan accordingly for each order cycle.