Displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings. Used without parameters, ipconfig displays Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and IPv6 addresses, subnet mask, and default gateway for all adapters.

This command is most useful on computers that are configured to obtain an IP address automatically. This enables users to determine which TCP/IP configuration values have been configured by DHCP, Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), or an alternate configuration.

Ipconfig Command

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For adapter names, ipconfig supports the use of the asterisk (*) wildcard character to specify either adapters with names that begin with a specified string or adapters with names that contain a specified string. For example, Local* matches all adapters that start with the string Local and *Con* matches all adapters that contain the string Con.

First, click on your Start Menu and type cmd in the search box and press enter.

A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter.

There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all.

A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter.

There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all.

When you type "ipconfig /renew" into the command line, that command orders your DHCP client to renegotiate an IP address lease with the DHCP server on your router. On a Windows computer, use the following information to release and renew your IP address:

The ipconfig command is used to display information about your network configuration and refresh DHCP and DNS Settings. By default, the ipconfig command displays your IP Address, Subnet Mask, and default gateway. But with correct parameters, you can get a lot more information out of it.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the command will return information about each network adapter on your computer. In this case, we have an ethernet adapter (for our wired network connection) and a wireless network adapter.

By default, the command will release the IP Addresses for all network adapters. You can also specify a single network adapter. To do this you will need to enter the name of the adapter that you find here in the results of ipconfig:

The ipconfig command is the most used command on Windows to troubleshoot network issues. It gives you information about your current network configuration and it has the ability to renew your Ip addresses and DNS cache.

Also, note that you can use the route command to add a default gateway after setting the static IP address with ifconfig. For example, to set a default gateway of to the system, type:

# route add gateway enp0s3

Most Windows administrators benefit from knowing all the switches associated with ipconfig, but two of the critical options are /release and /renew. On a system configured as a DHCP client, the /release switch clears the DHCP configuration. The /renew switch forces a new DHCP lease generation process, permitting the client to receive updated network settings from a DHCP server.

One of the earliest steps in troubleshooting network connection problems is to verify the IP address configuration of the source and destination devices. Linux sysadmins should have a general idea of how to check these settings on a Windows box, and Windows admins should know similar commands on Linux. Since many router operating systems are based on the Linux kernel, the knowledge of commands such as ifconfig and ip addr is very practical.

ipconfig (standing for "Internet Protocol configuration") is a console application program of some computer operating systems that displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings.[1]

An important additional feature of ipconfig is to force refreshing of the DHCP IP address of the host computer to request a different IP address. This is done using two commands in sequence. First, ipconfig /release is executed to force the client to immediately give up its lease by sending the server a DHCP release notification which updates the server's status information and marks the old client's IP address as "available". Then, the command ipconfig /renew is executed to request a new IP address.[3][4] Where a computer is connected to a cable or DSL modem, it may have to be plugged directly into the modem network port to bypass the router, before using ipconfig /release and turning off the power for a period of time, to ensure that the old IP address is taken by another computer.[5]

ipconfig in Mac OS X serves as a wrapper to the IPConfiguration agent, and can be used to control the Bootstrap Protocol and DHCP client from the command-line interface.[7] For example, you can release and renew an IP address if it happened to be assigned incorrectly by the DHCP server during the automated assignment process.[8] Like most Unix-based operating systems, Mac OS X also uses ifconfig for more direct control over network interfaces, such as configuring static IP addresses. The Ifconfig command in Linux has been replaced by the IP command

One of the primary uses of the ipconfig command is to display the current IP information and configuration of a computer. This information includes the IP address, the subnet mask, and the default gateway of each active network interface. If you run the ipconfig command on its own, it will provide an output with the following information for each network adapter:

Ipconfig helps monitor network performance by displaying information about the IP addresses and other network settings. It helps identify network bottlenecks, detect connectivity issues, and troubleshoot other network-related problems. You can also use the command to gather information like the IP address, subnet mask, and DNS servers assigned to a network to identify potentially troublesome patterns and trends in network usage.

Ipconfig works in scripts to automate network configuration tasks or to gather information about network settings. This is useful for managing large numbers of computers, as well as for monitoring network performance. Users who run their own networks or servers will find ipconfig useful for this purpose.

One of the things ipconfig can be used for is troubleshooting network issues. Because the command views the IP information and ensures IP address configuration, it helps users experiencing network issues who need to diagnose the problem.

You can also use ipconfig to diagnose issues with DHCP. DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, is a network protocol allowing servers to automatically assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on a network. When a device connects to a network, it sends a broadcast message requesting an IP address.

Leases have limited duration and must be renewed, but there are sometimes issues. The computer may not receive an IP address from a DHCP server, which could result in a 169.254 IP address. However, the ipconfig command can request a new DHCP lease for the specified adapter.

It can replace an expired address or help if your current IP assignment is causing problems. Therefore, ipconfig can help troubleshoot network connectivity issues related to DHCP or IP address assignment.

If you run the ipconfig command on its own with no parameters, it displays the IP configuration of all active network interfaces on the computer. However, you can also specify a network interface by adding its name to the command. For example, ipconfig /all displays detailed information about all network interfaces, while ipconfig /all Ethernet displays detailed information specifically about the Ethernet interface. View the breakdown of information displayed by /all below:

In addition to the basic functionality of viewing and managing the IP configuration of a Windows computer, ipconfig also offers advanced options that can be used for more complex network management tasks.

One advanced option is the ipconfig /displaydns command, which shows the contents of the DNS resolver cache. It can help troubleshoot DNS issues, as it allows you to view the DNS records stored locally on the computer.

Another advanced option is the ipconfig /setclassid command, which allows users to configure the DHCP class ID for a network adapter. The DHCP class ID is a value sent to the DHCP server to identify the specific configuration that should be applied to a network adapter. It can help configure, for example, a specific DHCP setting for wireless adapters and then a different setting for wired adapters.

The /showclassid goes in conjunction with the /setclassid command. It displays all the DHCP class IDs allowed for a certain adapter. It also helps when setting a different class ID as it indicates the parameters or limits for a certain adapter.

Use these commands with caution, as they do impact network connectivity. We recommend them only for advanced users with a solid understanding of network architecture, IP addresses, and the DHCP protocol, such as network administrators.

Windows users are used to entering the ipconfig command to show the full configuration of their computer system. On Apple's Mac, you won't get any network information from this command. With Mac, you need to run the ifconfig command, which is the Windows ipconfig Mac alternative.

Each tool's own strengths make it the best choice to troubleshoot different types of network issues. For example, ipconfig is good for viewing and configuring network settings. But the ping command is useful for testing connectivity to a remote host. Additionally, the tracert command is useful for identifying the path packets take across a network.  ff782bc1db

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