So i set up the whole screen time app restrictions for my 8 yr old and want to limit his apps to 9+ but when i do his netflix and disney+ disappear. is there a way to allow certain apps through while still restricting the other apps that are too old?

I can't get access to netflix via iPad. I can via wii and computer. Netflix has sent me to apple but I don't want to pay 39.99 for support. Hoping someone knows what to do so I can get access given my son is using the wii right now

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Assuming that your iPad (regardless of whether it's an iPad or iPad2) can connect to through the iPad's Safari browser, you're probably not going to get this resolved. The problem is at the Netflix end and the fact that they are redirecting users to Apple indicates that they don't have a solution and are grasping at straws. That said, I suppose it's possible that Apple made a change in iOS 4.3.3 that may have broken connectivity with Netflix's streaming servers but if that were the case, we would see a lot more users complaining about this.

i'm assuming it's something on the netflix servers and how they handle requests from the apps on Apple devices. As you say they've obviously changed something on their backend. too bad they wouldn't own up to it instead of trying to say "Apple DNS" obviously they don't understand basic networking ;-)

I am having the same problem, started july 8. did a netflix rest in the settings box on my ipad1, reinstalled my app, then called netflix support. they found out that my ip address had me in Colorado, rather than Virginia, and that was the problem. I use DSL for my internet connection. They suggest I call Apple support, but Apple would not help. I will try to release my ip address and see if that fixes it.

Trying to get Netflix app to work on daughters ipad while using restrictions. However, when websites are limited to defined URL Netflix app dosen't work. Does anyone know what urls need to be defined to allow the netflix app to function with web restrictions switched on. Thanks !

I have the same issue. Tried all kinds of variations of the netflix urls (,, , etc....) couldn't get it working right... Did a mess of google searching and this thread is the only one I could find that addressed my exact issue. Called netflix and Apple. Apple was able to get it working (sort of, or temporarily....) They had me uninstall the app, then go under Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset All Settings (make sure you know your network password for your wi-fi router before you do this, because you will need to reconnect to wi-fi because the password will get wiped out of the system memory) Supposedly, this will not remove any data, just reset to factory settings. After that was done, they had me shut down the iPad, then restart the iPad. Then reconnect to wi-fi and re-set all of the Restrictions settings I had set up originally. I left in five variations of the netflix urls because when I tried these steps with just one url it wouldn't work. I tried some testing, but couldn't figure which ones were needed so I left all five in the allowed websites section under restrictions. (,, , , ). Then I re-installed the netflix app and viola! it worked! I did a shutdown and restart of the iPad while I had the apple technician on the phone to make sure the app would still work after a restart and it did! Awesome.... but, after playing with the iPad some, the app would not work again! UGGGGGGGHHHHHH! I don't think I did anything specific to cause it to stop working and repeated the procedure at least 4 times with the same result, so I'm not sure what the problem is and I don't have days to spen on this.... So, I then did a bunch more testing and here's something that seems to work all the time, although it's a bit of a pain in the arse... When the netflix app is not working, go under Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> Websites and set the "Allowed Websites" to All Websites. Then close out of settings and launch the netflix app. (give it a couple of minutes to get past the red screen with spinning wheel if it doesn't open right away). Now, once the netflix app has been launched, go back and set the "Allowed Websites" back to Specific Websites Only and the netflix app will work at least until the next reboot of the iPad... The only problem with this is that you will lose your list of Specific Websites everytime you do this... For me it's not a huge problem, because my son is only 7 and doesn't really "Surf" the web, so I don't really have to add websites all the time. Hope I helped some Stecun... Hopefully netflix and apple will take steps to make this work better in a future update.... If anyone out there has a more permanent solution, it would be greatly appreciated! Where's all the computer science moms and dads at out there? ?

I was able to find 18 URLs that the web version of netflix uses and I added them, but it didn't help. I talked to Netflix support and they said they passed it on to their research team. I tried to get a work around or the list of URLs, but they didn't give them up.

Adding my complaint to the original. I'm having the same issue. Temp work-around (you don't have to disable the Restrictions), just change the website restrictions from 'Specific Websites Only' to 'All Websites', go launch Netflix, then change restrictions BACK to 'Specific Websites Only'. :/ Pain in the rear, but it will work until... maybe the next day. We really need to know what it is netflix is throwing at us to allow us to add a URL that will work every time. Ugh.

I Found another posting via Google and I followed the steps and it worked. I am very thankful it did as I didn't want to disable tue website restrictions, I prefer them on so this was the answer to fix the netflix issue and allow the website restrictions to still be enabled:

I have same issue. About 3 weeks ago, the video didnt work only netflix and youtube app. I shut down my phone. Unfortunately, it wasnt perfect solution. I also did reset all settings. It seemed to have solved problem completely, but I get same issue now. I want to know which thing occurs this problem, with apps or IOS? No matter what it is, it needs to be updated.

Hi everyone,

We actually can using orion browser by kagi on ipad. I posted it here at -version-is-finally-here-but-i-cant-log-in-please-help/11106?u=irene_alred. But i cant log in so i cant really use it. Lmk if youre able to log in please. Thanks

ive noticed i can use language reactor on ipad for youtube anyway, by going to this language reactor site here on the ipad then going to turtle tube. IT has a lot of selection of videos in your target language with the two sets of subtitles.

Ipad on AP11 FW 1.4.1 is unable to stream video on netflix and IMDB

On the netflix APP, I get an error, Network Error, we could not play this video due to a network error. Pls try again later.

If I tunnel VPN thru the wifi connection, the same IPAD is able to successful stream video on netflix and IMDB.

All other android and windows PC is able to access netflix and IMDB normally.

I have already disabled the app control feature totally. But the traffic block still occurs. (Change to application activity summary)

The log files show netflix-streaming or netflix-base as 'allow' but the session end reason is 'tcp-rst-from-client'. A packet capture reveals not a great for me to work on, a TLSv1.2 Encrypted Alert before the RST packets. ff782bc1db

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