The same set up will work fine on another newly created website on bubble but not on my website (not even in safe mode). Makes me thing that it might be some setting for my website that makes it unable to use adress as content??

I am on IT about 30+ years. Never meet the router or any other device (except mobile phones using random MAC, which is security function and can be switched off) that is changing its own (LAN) MAC address. NOT IP ADRESS! MAC ADRESS.... ...MAC adress is HARDWARE identification of the device, It cannot be changed easy! (except cloning mac on WAN port... which is a function)

Ip Adress

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Layer-2 isolation o AP's is based on MAC address. If you add router/dhcp server/gateway MAC and then that MAC is changed on router restart... ...all layer-2 isolation on guest network on that LAN is useles.... internet as guest's cannot communicate with selected MAC adress that is gone....

Hello, I modified my email adress in my account. Then I was asqued to verify this new adress when I will receive an email for verification. I don't receive this verification email from DROPBOx. I tried several times and I checked that this new adress is OK. What may I do ? Thanks.

i have a feature layer where each point represents the centre of a building (house coordinates). Within the attribute table i have further information regarding the exact adress of each point (example below):

Based on this dataset i want to create (or lets say i tried to create) an adress locator within ArcCatalog using the house coordinate layer as reference and i want to publish it later as my own geocoding service within AGO.

Unfortunately, there is no adress locator style which is able to recognize the field: House Number. Consequentely i am able to locate the City, Postal Code and Street but the Adress matches with the wrong house number. If i try to use the pre-defined Adress Locator Style : "Single House" the geocoding fails at all, even if i define the House Number field as required.

Anyway, I found a way to geocode adresses (from tables) - the question i asked myself now - why am i still using ArcGIS for postprocessing the geocoded adresses (creating shape files, Service layers etc.). I think QGIS does the Job within the Package..... In this case i do not see the advantage of using ArcGIS anymore.....

I have been struggling to connect all of the office computers and laptops to this printer. The IP adresses of computers are 192.168.0.X and the IP adress of this printer is 192.168.1.X

This "new" Congo Jr is now working as a backup of a Congo Sr. They both have the lastest Cobalt V7. and the connection between the consoles is giving a little headache. We had all of our consoles with an static IP adress from to10.101.50.104 but this new console do not want to work with a static IP.

When we run below example, After Network link up, code is waiting for certain timeout and after about 4 minutes later my netif struct gets constant ip adress. After this timeout I can ping to my board.

I and another person had a dispute. I said that the word "adress" in the English language does not exist, but I was told that I was wrong and I should correctly write "adress", and not "address". Does the word "adress" exist at all?

**The issue I am facing

When i look at the dashboard or the long term query of yesterday, between all Device names there is a ipv6 adress with fd00: that does not have a name associated with it.

This should map to my Desktop computer like other entries.

It is a AVM 7530 with ipv6 prefix that can change every time the connection drops and is re-established again.

The client in question is runing on windows 10 pro.

How exactly does the association between hostname and ip work when pi-hole is involved?

Some v6 adresses are properly connected to the same machine, which makes it look a bit weird.

The only connection to the network is done over one and the same wifi adapter.

I saw that it was on app bruteforcesettings GitHub - nextcloud/bruteforcesettings: ? Allow admins to configure the brute force settings but this app was integrated on Nextcloud since version 25.

But there is no place to set IP adress for a whitelist.

I changed my master DeviceNet. I will have 4 IRB340 with IRC5 on the line and I will also need the DN_SLAVE. I changed the adress of the Master from 2 to 30 and reboot. The problem is that the MS ligth on the DSCQ 377 (Queue Tracker) is flashing after rebooting (also after a power On-Off). The MS ligth on the DSQC 328 is solid GREEN.

Like said in the book, my DN_SLAVE have the same adress has my Master..if I let the adress of both at 2...there is no problem, no flashing ligth. If I changed both at 6...I have the flashing ligth on the QueueTrack.

Hi Guys,First post here, because I really have a question that I want to know the answer to.I work in IT as a consultant roughly 6 years now, but more focused in governance and frameworks. In the eyes of my family I am a tech geek, in your eyes I am probarly a noob. I have a law degree and no IT degree. But mostly I solve all problems in the family because it's mostly common sense.Today, at the 'mandatory' christmas brunch I spended some time on solving an issue with the A22 Galaxy phone of my sister.her problem: Mobile internet network doesn't work anymore.Solution: the APN adress was wrong. Easy peasy no? I looked up the providers APN adress and done.But now my question. (We live in Belgium, this is relevant)She bought that phone from a store 6 months ago (not sure wether in Belgium or The Netherlands) and no issues, everything ok.Now I realized that the 'Standard' APN adress on this device, is a very weird one. So each time you would do a reset to standard settings it would give a wrong APN adress now.1) this is weird because if it would be configurated wrong by the phone vendor it would have been a problem since the purchase2) The standard adress is: This is very strange, I googled the adress and it is a Columbian adress (.co) and got only limited topics regarding the use of this adress in Colombia.I did a virus scan from Avast free, which probarly is not good enough but that was clean. I just am very curious to know the story behind it an error of some kind, is it some old/new spyware? It made me even setting up an account on an IT forum LOL. It just keeps bothering me.Any Ideas?ps: We have no relations with Colombia whatsoever (no relatives, friends, trips) and no we are no drug lords...Thx for a reply.Gert Edit: I talked with my IT colleagues, we are 90 procent sure this was the case: The smartphone was initially adressed to be sold in Colombia, hence the root default settings. Due overstock reasons or other it found its way to Europe and got sold by my sister. From the moment the simcard from Belgian provider got inserted she received text messages with correct settings and it worked. However, after an update, the phone reverted back to default network settings in root, so the columbian APN appeared. Solution: either change it after every update back or fix root settings To be sure: do a full reset to rule out malware.

Edit: I talked with my IT colleagues, we are 90 procent sure this was the case: The smartphone was initially adressed to be sold in Colombia, hence the root default settings. Due overstock reasons or other it found its way to Europe and got sold by my sister. From the moment the simcard from Belgian provider got inserted she received text messages with correct settings and it worked. However, after an update, the phone reverted back to default network settings in root, so the columbian APN appeared. Solution: either change it after every update back or fix root settings To be sure: do a full reset to rule out malware.

I have been reading my eyes sore to find an easy howto for setting up static ipadress in Tumbleweed. I think I have put the right things in the right box in the yast module for network connections, and it seems to work fine in my private network, but I cannot get out to the Internett. I have found the nameserver adresses for my supplyer, and my router are set upp to handle this, but something is missing in my knowledge here.

If it is in 1 column everything works allright since my Regex can filter it perfectly.

When it is split in 2 columns regex cant identify it anymore since it is split and the first part of the mail adress is very eary in the code and does not come after E-Mail: (2nd part).

I started learning some website designing and I wonder how can I make my site adress look f. ex. like instead of IP address and port. I'm doing everything on my own computer, so I would really appreciate way, which will allow me to host a website on it. I'm a beginner, so I'd like to know if I'm even capable of doing this.

I would like to know if I get the Karspersky VPN, everyday that I disconnect my computer for one country VPN and another day or in another moment I connect to the same country VPN, is the IP adress going to remain the same?

we need to know, how many clients are connecting to our XenApp 6.5 farm. For the report we need hostname and ip-adress of the client. The Citrix XenApp Center knows the info, so I hope there is a way to log this info over a week for example.

Hey. Has somebody ever needed that Googles (or any other adress source) for using onto the adittional fields on buddypress? I need it for the user to subscribe and use the proper adress (or even city, or the state) to complete the subscription properly..

Hi, I\'d like to connect! '},dataType: 'json',success: function(response) { window.location = window.location; },error: function(response) { e.html(t); }});} else if (v == 1 || v == 2 || v == 4) {if (v == 4 || (v == 1 && window.confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel this friendship request?')) || (v == 2 && window.confirm('Are you sure you want to unfriend this person?'))) {$.telligent.evolution.del({url: $ + 'api.ashx/v2/users/{RequestorId}/friends/{RequesteeId}.json',data: { RequestorId: accessingUserId, RequesteeId: userId },dataType: 'json',success: function(response) { window.location = window.location; },error: function(response) { e.html(t); }});} else { e.html(t); }}});});(function($){$.extend($.fn.evolutionUpDownVoting.defaults,{voteDownMessage:'Vote against this idea',voteUpMessage:'Vote for this idea',loginMessage:'Sign in to vote on ideas',noPermissionMessage:'You do not have permission to vote for this idea',notGroupMemberMessage:'Join this group to vote on this idea',deleteMessage:'Remove your 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If you have a question you can start a new discussionoffset adressMoulinier jean marcover 19 years agoHi,

i work on st10f168 and i would to know how can i compile a .c file (which contains fonctions) with manual fix adress. Because i want to load the disassembly code of it in external memory (ex : 0x200000) in order to execute it. Without offset the program begin in 0x00 and calls instructions can't be move.

I try to put an offset in Options for target\Output\offset but it doesn t work???

If you get the solution, help me!


Regards e24fc04721

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