-Smart and Self-sustaining Early-warning System for Coastal Flooding ($166.37K, 12/2023-04/2025) has been awarded by the Texas General Landing Office through the NOAA-funded Texas Coastal Management Program. Role: PI

-CISE-MSI: DP: CNS: AI-powered Diagnosis Augmented by Self-sustaining Sensing System for Intelligent Wastewater Infrastructure Management ($599.826K 10/2023 - 09/2026) has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (# 2318641). Role: Co-PI. (PI: Wenlu Wang).

-Developing the Workforce for Next-generation Agriculture through Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates ($750K, 08/2023-08/2028) has been awarded by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (20236703740308). Role: Co-PI. (PI: Yuxia Huang).

-MRI: Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research in Engineering, Science, and Technology ($1.17M 10/2022-10/2024) has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (# 2216335). Role: Senior Personnel. (PI: Dulal Kar ).

-CRII: CNS: Toward a Sustainable and Intelligent Air-Ground IoT Framework for Remote Monitoring ($172.56K 07/2022-07/2024) has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (# 2153524(Obsolete), #2348818 (Renewed)). Role: Sole PI.

-REU Site: Applied Computing Research in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV)  ($406.35K 06/2022-06/2025) has been awarded by National Science Foundation (# 2150351). Role: Senior Personnel. (PI: Dulal Kar )

-CREST Center for Geospatial and Environmental Informatics, Modeling and Simulation ($4.99M 12/2021-12/2026) has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (# 2112631). Role: Senior Personnel. (PI: Lea-Der Chen).

-Toward Self-sustaining Early Warning Systems for Natural Hazards: A Machine Learning-Based IoT Edge Solution ($2K 10/2021-08/2022) has been awarded by the College of Science and Engineering Research Enhancement Grant. Role: Sole PI.