I encountered this real-world example recently while building a feature for the Ionifits demo app. While entering a company expense, users take a photo of the expense receipt. To implement this, I used the Capacitor Camera and Filesystem APIs.

To save the photo permanently to the filesystem (blobs are objects temporarily loaded into browser memory), the Filesystem API requires the data to be in base64 format, so we must convert the blob into a base64 string.

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The semantic basis of Ion is an abstract data model, composed of a setof primitive types and a set of recursively-defined container types. Alltypes support null values and user-defined type annotations.

The null type has a single value, denoted in the text format by thekeyword null. Null values for all core types are denoted by suffixingthe keyword with a period and the desired type. Thus we can enumerateall possible null values as follows:

The text format allows hexadecimal and binary (but not octal) notation,but such notation will not be maintained during binary-to-text conversions.It also allows for the use of underscores to separate digits.

Ion supports both binary and lossless decimal encodings of real numbersas, respectively, types float and decimal. In the text format,float values are denoted much like the decimal formats in C or Java;decimal values use d instead of e to start the exponent. Realswithout an exponent are treated as decimal. As with JSON, extra leadingzeros are not allowed. Digits may be separated with an underscore.

Symbols are much like strings, in that they are Unicode charactersequences. The primary difference is the intended semantics: symbolsrepresent semantic identifiers as opposed to textual literal values.Symbols are case sensitive.

A subset of symbols called identifiers can be denoted in text withoutsingle-quotes. An identifier is a sequence of ASCII letters, digits,or the characters $ (dollar sign) or _ (underscore), not startingwith a digit.

In the text format, clob values use similar syntax to blob, but thedata between braces must be one string. The string may only containlegal 7-bit ASCII characters, using the same escaping syntax as stringand symbol values. This guarantees that the value can be transmittedunscathed while remaining generally readable (at least for westernlanguage text). Either form of comment within a clob is invalid.

Note that field names are symbol tokens, not symbol values, and thusmay not be annotated. The value of a field may be annotated like anyother value. Syntactically the field name comes first, then annotations,then the content.

Lists are ordered collections of values. The contents of the list areheterogeneous (that is, each element can have a different type).Homogeneous lists are not supported by the core type system, but may beimposed by schema validation tools.

Note that comments are allowed within S-expressions and have higher precedencethan operators, therefore // and /* denote the start of comment blocks. Users are advised to avoid them as operators, though they can be used whenescaped with single quotes:

Web browsers provide a variety of data primitives that web developers use to manage, manipulate, and store data - from plain text, to files, images, videos and more. However, using them correctly and effectively can be confusing. One such example is converting a base64 string to a blob using JavaScript. A blob represents binary data in the form of files, such as images or video. Suppose you have an image in string format that needs to be uploaded to a server. However, the available API accepts the image in blob format only. What do you do?

According to various solutions around the Internet, conversion appears to be complex. Manipulating byte arrays? No thanks. Fortunately, there's an easier, modern approach available thanks to the Fetch API. It's a powerful feature built into all web browsers that is commonly used to fetch resources across the network, like making HTTP requests to your backend APIs.

In this tutorial we will create a simple Ionic image capturing app using Capacitor to first take an image and store it locally, then display all local files and finally offer the ability to upload or delete them.

For Android we need to do the same, also because we are using the Filesystem. Therefore, bring up the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and after the line that already sets the internet permission add two more lines:

The last preparation we need is to include the HttpClientModule because our app should make a little request and upload the images in the end, so bring up the src/app/app.module.ts and import the module like this:

Note: If you want to store additional information with the image like a description, text, anything you want, then adding Ionic Storage to keep track of that information might make sense.

We are using the CameraResultType.Uri because I usually had better performance with that, but you can also give it a try and directly use base64 as a result type for getPhoto() which might make your life easier in some places.

The process to read that file as a base64 string is a bit different for the web and native platforms, so we add a switch inside the readAsBase64() and either read that URI ior on the web, simply use the fetch API! The second requires an additional helper function for the blob conversion.

Uploading the file (in our case) requires the conversion to a blob: This might be different for you, but for the simple PHP script that I will show you in the end a blob is expected. Also, this is the usual way of handling a file upload in any backend, so it should fit most cases.

Additionally, to see the results of our hard work, I created a little HTML file that will scan the uploads folder and show them so we can directly see if our upload worked, create this as index.php next to the previous file and insert:

Again, in our example we used this URL for the upload, but this will only work if you run the app on the simulator. If you deploy the app to your iOS or Android device you need to change the URL to the IP of your computer!

You dont need to know what a blob is, you dont even need the blob to know what your after, But pass The Blob a files URL and The Blob will pass you the file, saved to your app with your apps URL. This is also handy for changing a files name and also features a prompt a user to download mode.

Following this guideline sample-blob.html I want to track upload progress by getting the progress value to the DOM. I also want to print, say, 'done' in the DOM when the upload is finished. Is there a way to "subscribe" to SpeedSummary so I can get its progress value? Any other more recommended approach?

Note: I am aware of this implementation upload-to-azure-blob-storage-with-angular-7977e979496a but it gives me an error when implementing the uploadFile function. But more importantly I am looking for something more straigthforward to implement.

I see you have posted similar question in SO forum, please refer to the suggestion. If you still facing any issue. I would recommend to kindly just re-post the question in the Developer Community and GitHub repro to receive a focused and immediate assistance from the right set of experts.. These forum community members could provide their expert guidance on your scenario based on their experience. Thanks.

And you can add a red, glowing blob to the list of phenomena that astrophotographers might capture after a SpaceX launch. Just last summer, a SpaceX launch from Florida punched a hole in the ionosphere that photographers on the East Coast caught in their images. Some at first thought their cameras were picking up an aurora.

Ham radio operators may notice [holes in the ionosphere] when shortwave signals fail to skip over the horizon, shooting through holes instead of bouncing back to Earth. Sudden GPS errors can also result from the anomalies. These effects may be troublesome, but they are short-lived; re-ionization occurs as soon as the sun comes up again.

Coatings can be applied in a number of ways, including brushing, spraying, dispensing, and dip coating. A number of materials can be used as conformal coatings, such as acrylics, silicones, urethanes, and parylene. Each has its own attributes and is used for different purposes. Many circuit board assembly firms can coat assemblies with a layer of transparent conformal coating, which is used as an alternative to potting.

Conformal coatings are used to protect electronic components from the environmental factors they are exposed to. More recently, conformal coatings are being used to reduce the formation of whiskers,[2] and can also prevent current bleed between closely positioned components.

Conformal coatings allow trapped moisture in electronic boards to escape while maintaining protection from contamination. These coatings are not sealants, and prolonged exposure to vapors will cause transmission and degradation to occur. There are typically four classes of conformal coatings: acrylic, urethane, silicone, and varnish, all of which allow for a closer conductor spacing.

Precision analog circuitry may suffer degraded accuracy if insulating surfaces become contaminated with ionic substances such as fingerprint residues, which can become mildly conductive in the presence heightened humidity. A suitably chosen material coating can reduce the effects of mechanical stress and vibrations on the circuit and its ability to perform in extreme temperatures.

For example, in a chip-on-board assembly process, a silicon die is mounted on the board with an adhesive or soldering process, then electrically connected by wire bonding, typically with 25.4 m diameter gold or aluminium wire. The chip and the wire are delicate, so they are encapsulated in a version of the conformal coating called a blob top. This prevents accidental contact from damaging the wires or the chip. Another use of conformal coating[3] is to increase the voltage rating of a dense circuit assembly. An insulation coating can withstand a stronger electric field than air, particularly at high altitudes. 152ee80cbc

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