
How You Can Tell the Different Types of Whey Protein Apart?

The main ingredients are a good place to start! The protein in Protein Powder with Water supplements mainly comes from milk, soy, egg whites and rice:

Whey Proteins

Whey is a by-product of cheese making and no doubt the most widely used ingredient in Protein Powder with Water supplements. Whey proteins are full of Essential Amino Acids and Branch-Chain Amino Acids, both of which are responsible for helping your muscles repair and regenerate after working out. Whey proteins are available as:

  • Whey Protein CONCENTRATE ( the most basic)
  • Whey Protein ISOLATE ( much of the fat and lactose are removed)
  • HYDROLYZED Whey which has been broken down or “pre-digested” so that it can be absorbed into the body much faster.

Typically Whey Protein Powder with Water concentrates are cheaper to buy as they haven’t been put through expensive refining processes. Additionally some people find that Whey Protein Concentrates leave them feeling bloated and gassy, which is due to the larger, less processed protein molecules being more difficult for your body to absorb.

Whey Protein Powder with Water isolates and hydrolysed whey protein are purer and cost a bit more.

Casein Proteins

Casein is another dairy by-product and one of the major protein types found in both human and cow’s milk. Casein protein is a slow releasing protein compared to whey protein and is most often used blended with other proteins or as a night-time/before-bed protein shake. It’s ideal for seeing your muscles through the long night of fasting when you’re asleep or when you’re expecting to not eat for more than a couple of hours throughout the day.

Egg White Proteins

Once upon time eggs were the main source of quick and easy protein for athletes and body builders. Those days are over; however the humble egg protein lives on as an excellent source of Essential Amino Acids as well as being rich in vitamins. Egg protein powders are naturally dairy-free for those who are lactose intolerant and unable to use dairy-based products like casein and whey.

Soy and Rice Proteins

Both of these protein types are great for vegetarians, vegans and those who are lactose intolerant. Soy is often used as a meat substitute (tofu), has a high protein concentration and is also full of vitamins and minerals.