Colouring In Pages

The oceans are full of wonderful and diverse life. Some of the animals you can find in Africa are below but they are missing their colours so get creative and colour them in!

colouring in pages.pdf

Learn more about these ocean creatures and where they live in the Colouring in pages alongside. Download this and print it. Feel free to share. The more people that care about the ocean, the better!

Fish are amazingly diverse, from colourful tropical fish to small silver fish and large deep-sea predators. They are also important for humans as a source of food and nutrition and yet many fisheries in the world have been over-fished and the oceans they live in are in danger from pollution, oil and climate change. Make sure you only eat fish that is from a sustainable fishery.

Kelp is a seaweed that can grow very tall
More sharks are killed by people than people by sharks!

Kelp is a seaweed that can grow very tall!

Many more sharks are killed by humans than humans by sharks!

Dolphins are intelligent and social animals
Starfish come in many colours and forms

Dolphins are intelligent and social animals

Starfish can regrow their legs!

There are hundreds of types of shells, but they are all actually homes to sea life!
Whales are very big and eat very small food!

Shells are the homes of many types of sea creatures

Whales are the largest animals in the sea but they eat the smallest

African Penguins are the only penguins in Africa.

Penguins are cute but they are also endangered and need protection.

Crabs come in all shapes and sizes

Octopus are very intelligent and can change colour to hide from predators