Junon.io unblocked

Junon.io is a co-op Space-Station Building Game. You are stranded in an asteroid, and you need food, oxygen, stamina in order to survive. You have to work with other players in gathering various resources (ores,fuel,water,oxygen,power), but you can also hire bots/slaves to do tasks for you (cleaning dirty floors, butchering corpses, farming, harvesting, turret ammo refill). Additionally, the enemy will send raids every 3 days so you have to ensure that proper defenses are setup in order to survive. 

Player Controls
Move - WASD

Interact - E

Attack - Space or Click

 Menu Controls

Craft - C

Inventory - I

Map - M

Colony - P

Alliance - F

Visit - V

Command Block - K

Pause Menu -  Esc