I N W O O K     K I M

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Sungkyunkwan University. My main research interests include history and geopolitics of oil, politics of alliances, and the Korean Peninsula. My works have either appeared or are forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, Journal of Global Security Studies, Contemporary Security Policy, The Pacific Review, Foreign Affairs, and others. 

I hold PhD in Political Science from the George Washington University where I was also a research affiliate at the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies (ISCS).  I hold a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) from University of Oxford and received MSc in Politics of the World Economy from London School of Economics . I am also a former recipient of Fulbright Scholarship, and previously taught at Korea Military Academy, the University of Hong Kong, and Singapore Management University. 

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