How to Buy Bitcoin - Step One

To learn more about bitcoin, you should get some in your pocket to get an idea of how they work.

Although it is often portrayed as dangerous and difficult, the process of getting bitcoins can be much simpler and safer than you think. It is likely to be easier than opening a bank account. It is also safer, considering what's been happening in the banking industry.

There are several things you should know: how to get and use a software wallet, how to send and retrieve money, and how to buy Bitcoin from an exchange or person.


You will first need a wallet before you can get started. Registering with an exchange that will host your wallet is a simple way to do this. Although you will eventually want one or more exchange wallets, I recommend that you start with one on your computer to get a better understanding of bitcoin. The exchanges are still in their early stages. Once we reach that point, I will recommend that you start moving your coins and money off exchanges or diversifying across them to protect your money.

What exactly is a wallet?

It's a way to store bitcoins. It is specifically designed to store bitcoins. It can run on any computer (except Apple), laptop or mobile device. You can also use it to store bitcoins on thumb drives. This is an option if you are worried about being hacked. The twins Winklevoss*, who have invested millions in bitcoin, stored their money on hard drives, which they then placed into a safe deposit box.

*The Winklevoss twins were the original ones to invent the social networking site Facebook. They hired Mark Zuckerberg, who took their idea and made it his own.

What are the basics of having a Bitcoin wallet on your computer?

You can now download the original Bitcoin wallet or client in Windows and Mac formats. These wallets are not only for your bitcoins. They are part of the entire bitcoin network. They can receive, store and send bitcoins. With a single click, you can create one or multiple addresses. An address looks something like this: 1LyFcQatbg4BvT9gGTz6VdqqHKpPn5QBuk A field will appear where you can paste a number from someone you wish to send money to. A QR code can be created that allows someone to take a photo with their smartphone and send you bitcoin. These can be given out in a safe manner. The QR code and address are for my donation page. Don't hesitate to give!

NOTE: This wallet can be used as both a wallet and part of the Bitcoin system. Bitcoin works because every transaction is broadcast as a number and stored across the entire network. This means that each transaction is verified and made irreversible. Any computer that has the appropriate software can join the system to support and check the network. This wallet acts as both your personal wallet as well as a support system for the network. It will consume 8-9 gigabytes from your computer's memory. It can take up to a day for your wallet to connect with the network after you have installed it. This is normal and does not cause any harm to your computer. It also makes the system safer overall, so it's a good idea.

Bitcoin Qt

Original wallet

This wallet is fully featured: Create multiple addresses to receive Bitcoins, send bitcoins quickly, track transactions and back up your wallet.

This is an easy-to-use option, except for the sync time.

To find their website, search for Bitcoin Qt wallet Download.


It runs on Bitcoi Qt and has the same syncing requirements.

Armory lets you back up, encrypt and store your bitcoins off-line.

To find their website, search for Bitcoin Armory Wallet.

There are many wallets out there that don't require you to sync your entire history of bitcoin, but you don't need that much memory.


It is lightweight and syncs fast. This wallet is great for novice users.

To find their website, search for Bitcoin Multibit Wallet.


This wallet is light and quick, but it also allows you to retrieve lost data with a passcode.

To find their website, search for Bitcoin Electum Wallet.

Once you have your wallet setup, spend a few minutes clicking around. You should look out for these things:

o A page will display how many bitcoins you have in your wallet. Remember that bitcoins can also be broken down into smaller pieces. You may see a decimal number with many zeros after it. Interesting note: 0.00000001 refers to one Satoshi. It is named after the pseudonymous creator bitcoin.

o A section will display your most recent transactions.

o You will find an area to create an address and a code QR (like the one shown above). The QR code is optional and can be removed at any time. However, if your business accepts bitcoin payments, you will need to show the QR code to someone and have them take a photo of it. You can also create as many addresses you wish. If you need to track where the money came from, each payee could be given a separate labeled address.

When you wish to send money to someone, or to yourself via an exchange or another wallet, there will be a box where you can paste a code.

You will find many other features and options, but these are the basics.

How to Get Your First Bitcoins

You will want to make sure you test your wallet. is the first place you should go.

This website gives away small amounts of bitcoin to encourage people to use them. Gavin Andreson, the original developer of bitcoin was responsible for this version. This site is now closed. It sends out only one to two ads per month. By requesting bitcoins, you agree to receive them. Paste your new bitcoin address into a text box and then enter a number to which you will receive an SMS. To ensure that people don't come back for more, they send an SMS. To support their operation, they will also send out advertisements once or twice per month. They send it for 0.0015 BTC or 1.5 mBTC. They process it almost immediately. You can also check that your wallet and address are working. It's a great feeling to receive that bitcoin portion. Non-disclaimer - I have no affiliation with this site. If you use them, you will receive nothing. They are an excellent way to get started.

Congratulations!You are now part of the bitcoin economy.

You can get your feet wetter by panning for gold. You can earn bitcoins by visiting certain websites and filling out surveys online. These are not harmful and you may earn some extra bitcoins by doing so. However, these sites are paid to people who click on their links. You are basically getting a percentage of what they pay you. This is not illegal or immoral. You might even like what you see, and decide to make a purchase. They are often flashy and may not be very straightforward. All of the ones I tried, especially, paid out exactly as promised. Although it is fun to try these, even with bitcoin's likely rise in value, you will not become a millionaire from this. I recommend that you don't become an advertising junkie unless you really love advertisements. You can search for "free bitcoins" to find many sites.

Buy Bitcoin Hand-to–Hand

This is the true test of bitcoin. Is it possible to trade bitcoins back and forth easily? If it isn't possible, there won't be any bitcoin economy. This is because the retailers won't have access to it. What good is bitcoin if it can't be used by retailers? This isn't a problem. Although iPhone can be a little slow, many smartphones have mobile wallets that can read QR codes and allow users to send bitcoin to anyone they wish. To allow people to send you bitcoin, you can display your address as a QR code or carry a card with your QR code in your wallet. You can check to see if your bitcoins were received, depending on which wallet you have.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

If you click around while setting up your wallet, you'll see an option for you to pay a fee to expedite transactions. As they process bitcoin information, this money is made available to bitcoin miners. By creating blocks of information, the miners keep the system secure and up-to-date. The fee is an incentive for the miner to ensure that your information is included in the next information block, and "verify" it. The short-term, miners make most of their income by mining new coins. For more information, see the section on "What Are Bitcoins" for more details. The fees will serve as an incentive to miners to create more blocks and keep the economy afloat in the long-term, even though it becomes harder to find new coins. You should set your wallet to automatically pay zero fees. However, you can choose to add a fee to prioritize transactions. There is no obligation to pay fees, and there are many organizations that handle small transactions like the ones that pan to find gold. These fees can be enough to keep miners happy.

Clicking around your wallet will bring up a note regarding confirmations. This can be found on the transactions page, or linked to specific transactions. Transactions are sent to the network. The network will then send back confirmation that there has been no double entry. You should wait to get confirmations from multiple people before you walk away from someone who has already paid you. Although it's not easy to con someone like this and it's not cost-effective for criminals, it can be done.

This is how you can buy bitcoin.

There may be a Meetup for bitcoin in your local area. can help you find local people who are interested to buy or sell.

Many are trying to set up street exchanges around the globe. These exchanges are known as Buttonwoods, after the first street market established on Wall Street in 1792. It was located under a buttonwood tree. Find one in your area, or create one.

Ask your friends if they are interested in trying bitcoins. The more people that use bitcoins, the greater the chance it will succeed. Please tell your friends!

Many people wonder if physical bitcoins can be bought. This question can be answered both yes and no. Bitcoin is digital currency by nature and does not have a physical form. There are two ways you can hold a bitcoin:

Cascascius coins:These are Mike Caldwell's invention. Caldwell mints physical coins, then infuses the private keys to the bitcoins within them. The private key can be obtained by peeling the hologram off the coin. This will clearly indicate that the coin was tampered with. Mike went out of his way in order to make sure that you can trust him. These coins can be a great investment strategy, as they may become collector's items in years to come.

Paper walletsYou can print out the key information and a private key to your bitcoin wallet. This is an alternative to keeping it in a digital wallet. This method is cost-effective and highly recommended for protecting your bitcoins. You should remember that they could be stolen or lost. If your house is destroyed, they will take the bitcoins with them and there will not be a way to retrieve them. It's no different from cash. They won't be able to be spent until they are returned into the computer, just like Casascius Coins.

* Software is available to help you print your paper wallets. is the best, and it includes a tutorial on how to use them.

* Bitcoins are not in the wallet. They are still available on the internet. The QR code on the wallet's exterior will allow you to send coins to it at any time.

* The private key will be kept in the sealed portion of your wallet. Without this, you can't access the coins. You should only keep as many coins as you need to keep the wallet secure. This wallet will not allow you to pull it out and get a few coins for a coffee. Instead, you can think of it like a piggy bank. You must smash the wallet to get the money. You can take out less money, but the security of your wallet is compromised at this point and it is easier to have someone steal your coins. It is better to have all of them in than none.

* Paper wallet users are more secure than those who use electronic ones. There are many ways for hackers to access your computer. offers a wealth of information about how to secure your wallets 비트코인

A few people also inquired about purchasing bitcoins through eBay. It is possible but it will be very expensive. Selling on eBay may seem like a better choice, given the high markups over market value. This is a scam, just like any other promise too good to keep. This way of selling bitcoin is dangerous, as I'll explain in the next section.

How to Avoid Buying Bitcoin

The next section will cover a few key points regarding buying on Bitcoin Exchanges. Let me warn you before I begin.

Let's start with a brief history lesson. When people started a bitcoin-based business, they used every tool available to merchants. They sold via PayPal and credit card. This business model quickly became problematic. Bitcoin transactions cannot be reversed by anyone but the person receiving the money. PayPal and credit cards have strong buyer protection policies, making it easy to request a chargeback. This was the reason that nefarious people began buying bitcoins and then asking for a chargeback. The sellers couldn't contest the fact that bitcoin was a non-physical product and sent using new, poorly understood technology. Sellers stopped accepting credit cards or PayPal because of this.

This was a problem for the currency. How do you move money between sellers and buyers? If you wired money to them, there was a business that would credit you bitcoin. These businesses often gave addresses in Russia, Poland, and Albania to their customers. Many of these businesses did work, and there are many stories of people who purchased bitcoins that way. It took time, and the buyer had to wait for the right moment before they could get their bitcoins.

As bitcoin becomes more popular and more valuable, I believe we will see another version of the Nigerian prince scam. The warning: We now have exchanges and businesses that make it easy to move money onto and off exchanges. Never wire bitcoin money. It was a brief-lived and quickly forgotten moment in bitcoin's history.