Activity 4: Our logo!

We have a logo Winner!! The logo from Team 5, created by Giacomo (from Italy), won with 29 votes! Congratulations Giacomo for your great work! And also to the other participants because there were other high-quality works over there!

How was our working plan?

1. Students in every international team create logos to participate. Each team has a Padlet to include their logos.

2. Students in every international team vote for the best logo in their team. How? Adding their votes in the same Padlet

3. Once the logos of every international team are selected, they will be added in the "Final Contest Padlet", each team will vote for the best selected logo (excluded the logo of the same team). Votes with comments in the same Padlet. Votes without the name/surname of the voter won't be considered.


In the next pages you can find out our creativity and our voting process!