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Hammad, M.; Angel, S.; Al-Kamal, A.; Asghar, A.; Amin, A.S.; Kräenbring, M.; Wiedemann, H.T.A.; Vinayakumar, V.; Ali, M.Y.; Fortugno, P.; Kim, C.; Schmidt, T.C.; Kay, C.W.M.; others Synthesis of novel LaCoO3/graphene catalysts as highly efficient peroxymonosulfate activator for the degradation of organic pollutants. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 454, 139900.
Wiegand, H.L.; Jütte, M.; Klein, K.; Kranefuß, A.; Kim, C.; Lutze, H.V.; Schmidt, T.C. Influences of pH, Reagent Dose, and Water Matrix Components on the Formation and Utilization of Hydroxyl Radicals in the Oxidation of Bisphenol S and para-Chlorobenzoic Acid by the Fenton Reaction. ACS ES&T Water 2023, .
Hammad, M.; Alkan, B.; Al-kamal, A.; Kim, C.; Ali, M.Y.; Angel, S.; Wiedemann, H.T.A.; Klippert, D.; Schmidt, T.C.; Kay, C.W.M.; others Enhanced heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by Ruddlesden-Popper-type La2CoO4+ δ nanoparticles for bisphenol A degradation. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 429, 131447.
Kim, C.; Schmidt, T.C.; Lutze, H.V. Oxidation of bromide by heat-activated persulfate–Effects of temperature and the organic matter surrogate phenol on kinetics and stoichiometry. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 433, 133533.
Kim, C.; Chin, Y.; Son, H.; Hwang, I. Activation of persulfate by humic substances: Stoichiometry and changes in the optical properties of the humic substances. Water Res. 2022, 212, 118107.
Yoon, S.; Kim, C.; Hwang, I. Continuous Fe (II)-dosing scheme for persulfate activation: Performance enhancement mechanisms in a slurry phase reactor. Chemosphere 2022, 308, 136401.
Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Jun, S.; Hwang, I. Field-scale investigation of nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) injection parameters for enhanced delivery of NZVI particles to groundwater. Water Res. 2021, 202, 117402.
Hammad, M.; Fortugno, P.; Hardt, S.; Kim, C.; Salamon, S.; Schmidt, T.C.; Wende, H.; Schulz, C.; Wiggers, H. Large-scale synthesis of iron oxide/graphene hybrid materials as highly efficient photo-Fenton catalyst for water remediation. Environmental Technology & Innovation 2021, 21, 101239.
Kim, C.; Thao, T.T.; Kim, J.; Hwang, I. Effects of the formation of reactive chlorine species on oxidation process using persulfate and nano zero-valent iron. Chemosphere 2020, 250, 126266.
Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Kim, T.Y.; Hwang, I. Mechanisms of electro-assisted persulfate/nano-Fe0 oxidation process: Roles of redox mediation by dissolved Fe. J. Hazard. Mater. 2020, 388, 121739.
Cho, S.; Kim, C.; Hwang, I. Electrochemical degradation of ibuprofen using an activated-carbon-based continuous-flow three-dimensional electrode reactor (3DER). Chemosphere 2020, 259, 127382.
Kim, T.Y.; Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Choi, S.; Ho, T.T.; Moon, D.H.; Hwang, I. Carbonation/granulation of mine tailings using a MgO/ground-granule blast-furnace-slag binder. J. Hazard. Mater. 2019, 378, 120760.
Min, D.; Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Cho, S.; Hwang, I. Three-dimensional Electrochemical Oxidation process using Nanosized Zero-valent Iron/Activated carbon as Particle electrode and Persulfate. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2018, 23 (6), 104-113.
Kim, C.; Chin, Y.; Ahn, J.; Wei-Haas, M.; McAdams, B.; Hwang, I. Reciprocal influences of dissolved organic matter and nanosized zero-valent iron in aqueous media. Chemosphere 2018, 193, 936-942.
Kim, D.; Kim, Y.; Son, H.; Ryou, D.; Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Hwang, I. Effect of corrosive water quality control and corrosion index monitoring in pilot scale pipeline simulator. Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 2018, 32 (2), 183-192.
Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Kim, T.Y.; Shin, W.S.; Hwang, I. Activation of persulfate by nanosized zero-valent iron (NZVI): mechanisms and transformation products of NZVI. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52 (6), 3625-3633.
Thao, T.T.; Kim, C.; Hwang, I. Application of nanosized zero-valent iron-activated persulfate for treating groundwater contaminated with phenol. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2017, 22 (1), 41-48.
Phan, H.Q.H.; Hwang, K.; Ahn, J.; Kim, T.Y.; Kim, C.; Hwang, I. Investigation of the accelerated carbonation of a MgO-based binder used to treat contaminated sediment. Environmental Earth Sciences 2017, 76, 1-11.
Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Kim, T.Y.; Hwang, I. Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenol using Persulfate and Nanosized Zero-valent Iron. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2017, 22 (2), 17-25.
Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Kim, H.; Hwang, K.; Hwang, I. Effects of oxidants on in situ treatment of a DNAPL source by nanoscale zero-valent iron: A field study. Water Res. 2016, 107, 57-65.
Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Kim, T.Y.; Jun, S.; Hwang, I. Investigation of Seasonal Characteristics of Contaminants and Hydrochemical Factors in an Aquifer for Application of In Situ Reactive Zone Technology. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2016, 21 (6), 192-203.
Yun, D.Y.; Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Kim, T.Y.; Hwang, I. Enhancement of the Strength of MgO-Based Binder by Accelerated Carbonation. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2016, 21 (6), 135-145.
Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Hwang, K.; Kim, H.; Kwon, D.; Hwang, I. Effects of groundwater solutes on colloidal stability of polymer-coated and bare nanosized zero-valent iron particles. Desalination and Water Treatment 2015, 54 (4-5), 1281-1289.
Hwang, K.; Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Seo, J.; Hwang, I. Development of an MgO-based binder for stabilizing fine sediments and storing CO 2. Environ. Geochem. Health 2015, 37, 1063-1072.
Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Hwang, K.; Jun, S.; Hwang, I. Field Study on Application of Reactive Zone Technology Using Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for Remediation of TCE-Contaminated Groundwater. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2014, 19 (6), 80-90.
Kim, H.; Ahn, J.; Kim, C.; Lee, S.; Hwang, I. Effect of anions and humic acid on the performance of nanoscale zero-valent iron particles coated with polyacrylic acid. Chemosphere 2014, 113, 93-100.
Kim, C.; Ahn, J.; Ngoc, T.H.; Kim, H.; Jun, S.; Hwang, I. Characterization of the Transport of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in an Aquifer for Application of Reactive Zone Technology. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 2013, 18 (3), 109-118.