Intro to Mapping and Spatial Reasoning

We're all pilgrims on the same journey, but some pilgrims have better road maps. Nelson DeMille

Class Introduction

Welcome to Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Reasoning (GIST/GEOG 11)!  I'm happy to have you in my class.  This website is a brief introduction to the basics of the class.  GIST/GEOG 11 is all about maps. We will learn how they're made, why they're useful, and how they're beautiful.

First, we will look under the hood with topics such as scale, coordinate systems, and projections.  These mapping fundamentals will help us understand how maps are put together.  We will then explore web GIS, an exciting and evolving way of looking at and interacting with maps.    We will learn about different types of maps including thematic (qualitative and quantitative), isoline maps (including topographic), and maps created using remotely sensed images such as those captured by satellites and airplanes. 

 We will also learn about map design and how to create our own maps using good design principles.  In the last part of the course, we will learn how to read and interpret maps using examples from physical and human geography.


Course Assignments

Weekly Assignments

You will need to complete six weekly assignments during the quarter.  Weekly assignments allow you to interact with the class content in a way that deepens your understanding.  Here are two example assignment questions:

18º48'15'' N, 102º05'40''W

Class Projects

You will complete two class projects in the latter part of the quarter.  In both of these projects, you will be creating your own maps using good map design principles as learned in class.  In the first project, you will create a finished map that could be printed and displayed on a wall.  In the second project, you will create an interactive web map using ArcGIS Online (as a Foothill student, you get free access to it).

Discussion Forums

You will engage your classmates in several Discussions forums.  We will be using VoiceThread for some discussions.   VoiceThread allows you to interact with the class using multimedia such as voice and video. Discussion forums are a way for you to engage with each other about the course content. To get full credit for each discussion, you will need to post a thoughtful, well-written response to the prompt and respond to your classmates’ posts. 

Exams and Quizzes

You will have a midterm and a final exam where you will be tested on the concepts learned in this class.  In addition, you will take quizzes where you will be able to check your understanding of course concepts as the course progresses.

How to Succeed in

Following the tips below will help you do well in this course.

Accessing your Course

This course uses the Canvas course management system. This is where you will access class content and assignments.  You need to be enrolled to log into the course site. Our course site will be available to you a few days before the start of the quarter.

You should have access to a computer. While our class is mobile-friendly (and the Canvas app is great), many assignments require using online mapping sites that you will need to access with a computer web browser. 

For more information about Geography or Geospatial Technology degrees and certificates at Foothill, see our Geography program website and the Geospatial Technology program website.


You can reach me at  Once class starts, please contact me via Canvas Inbox or Pronto (a communication tool integrated in Canvas at Foothill) as I use my school email address mainly for administrative Foothill business and it's easy for student messages to get buried in my mailbox.

I look forward to seeing you in class!