This is an one semester course which introduces core areas of numerical analysis and scientific computing along with basic themes such as solving nonlinear equations, interpolation and splines fitting, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, initial value problems of ordinary differential equations, direct methods for solving linear systems of equations, and finite-difference approximation to a two-points boundary value problem. This is an introductory course and will be a mix of mathematics and computing.

The structure of the course is very similar in many of the institutions whose syllabi I've looked at: one begins with finite-precision arithmetic, then fixed-point methods for root-finding (usually 1-D problems),interpolation by polynomials, quadrature, numerical differentiation, some standard ODE methods, and perhaps some finite difference methods for PDE. Any rationale for this particular sequence of topics is obscured in the course.

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The truly deep and interesting aspects - approximation theory, error analysis, computational complexity - are either not discussed, or not dwelt on. Instead, the typical introductory course is a collection of algorithms for problems which seem contrived. This is a pity. The stronger mathematics student comes away believing numerical analysis is boring and shallow, and the engineer comes away thinking mathematics has nothing to offer a real problem.

 The question:  Are there examples (links to course outlines or course webpages preferred) of introductory numerical analysis courses which avoid the above-described tedium, and which have a history of attracting strong mathematics students?

John Hubbard tends to take sort of the opposite track, in that he likes to bring a more serious numerical analysis perspective into the 1st and 2nd courses on calculus and differential equations, rather than assuming the students come out of a standard service-stream calculus, differential equations, linear algebra sequence of courses. Usually this includes a discussion of various ways of representing numbers on computers, like floating-point numbers, round-off errors, perhaps even topics like interval arithmatic.

When I took a course on numerical analysis a couple of years ago I very much liked the book "An introduction to numerical analysis" by Suli and Mayers, it is very clear and concise. In particular it contains a lot of rigorous error estimates.

I was taking a mandatory grad level numerical methods course last year - but my research is in fact "engineering education". So I spent some time researching (first of all what the heck is the purpose of numerical methods, because obviously I missed that in my undergrad intro course to numerical methods) and then searching interesting ways that numerical methods courses could be taught.

Firstly - I will emphasize the extreme importance regularly reminding students what the main point of numerical methods is. Sometimes they will get lost in the math, and forget about the whole point of the course. Regularly remind your students the point of numerical methods vs. analytical methods. Otherwise the knowledge will go at the wayside if they get to know how to jump through quiz "hoops" but really have no context of what the heck the purpose of the course is in their big picture. Check out this info: crosscuttingconcepts site, click articles and "introduction to numerical methods".

-Design a car, and numerical configure how it operates, gear ratios etc as the course progresses (using introductory topics), also the mind map is amazing. Great paper and course designed by Coller and Scott 2009

-Motivational elements/examples. How Disney uses numerical methods (maybe higher level) to model life situations... search disney animations, click technology to see how they used numerical methods in the movie frozen.

-All courses like "numerical methods" have a culture and traditional structure (referred to as signature pedagogies). In this book "Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching ... " - and you find numerical methods in the computer science section (pg 250) You can see a few recommendations for new ways to adapt the education of topics like this (like "an expectation for interactivity and application to their world").Look at using programming to let them in real time engage in the course material with a wow factor. Good possible platforms may be WebGL, or consult with comp sci visualization faculty. Search "chrome experiments" so see those amazing ways of using numerical methods.

But along the way we teach them about various elements from numerical analysis and their limitations. We largely do not teach any theory in this course. The course is about learning by example. So students see first-hand the issues that come from round-off error. They see first-hand arbitrary precision floats and integers, and how they can help (and hinder) an investigation.

This series, comprising of a diverse collection of textbooks, references, and handbooks, brings together a wide range of topics across numerical analysis and scientific computing. The books contained in this series will appeal to an academic audience, both in mathematics and computer science, and naturally find applications in engineering and the physical sciences.

Revised and updated, this second edition of Walter Gautschi's successful Numerical Analysis explores computational methods for problems arising in the areas of classical analysis, approximation theory, and ordinary differential equations, among others. Topics included in the book are presented with a view toward stressing basic principles and maintaining simplicity and teachability as far as possible, while subjects requiring a higher level of technicality are referenced in detailed bibliographic notes at the end of each chapter. Readers are thus given the guidance and opportunity to pursue advanced modern topics in more depth.

 The Second Edition of the highly regarded An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis provides a fully revised guide to numerical approximation. The book continues to be accessible and expertly guides readers through the many available techniques of numerical methods and analysis.

An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis, Second Edition reflects the latest trends in the field, includes new material and revised exercises, and offers a unique emphasis on applications. The author clearly explains how to both construct and evaluate approximations for accuracy and performance, which are key skills in a variety of fields. A wide range of higher-level methods and solutions, including new topics such as the roots of polynomials, spectral collocation, finite element ideas, and Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature, are presented from an introductory perspective, and the Second Edition also features:

The ultimate aim of the field of numerical analysis is to provide convenient methods for obtaining useful solutions to mathematical problems and for extracting useful information from available solutions which are not expressed in tractable forms. This well-known, highly respected volume provides an introduction to the fundamental processes of numerical analysis, including substantial grounding in the basic operations of computation, approximation, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, and the numerical solution of equations, as well as in applications to such processes as the smoothing of data, the numerical summation of series, and the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.

Chapter headings include:

l. Introduction

2. Interpolation with Divided Differences

3. Lagrangian Methods

4. Finite-Difference Interpolation

5. Operations with Finite Differences

6. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations

7. Least-Squares Polynomial Approximation

In this revised and updated second edition, Professor Hildebrand (Emeritus, Mathematics, MIT) made a special effort to include more recent significant developments in the field, increasing the focus on concepts and procedures associated with computers. This new material includes discussions of machine errors and recursive calculation, increased emphasis on the midpoint rule and the consideration of Romberg integration and the classical Filon integration; a modified treatment of prediction-correction methods and the addition of Hamming's method, and numerous other important topics.

In addition, reference lists have been expanded and updated, and more than 150 new problems have been added. Widely considered the classic book in the field, Hildebrand's Introduction to Numerical Analysis is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students, or the general reader in search of a strong, clear introduction to the theory and analysis of numbers.

AMATH 352 Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis (3) NSc

Analysis and application of numerical methods and algorithms to problems in the applied sciences and engineering. Applied linear algebra, including eigenvalue problems. Emphasis on use of conceptual methods in engineering, mathematics, and science. Extensive use of MATLAB and/or Python for programming and solution techniques. Prerequisite: MATH 126 or MATH 136. Offered: AWSpS.

View course details in MyPlan: AMATH 352

AMATH 402 Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos (4) NSc

Overview methods describing qualitative behavior of solutions on nonlinear differential equations. Phase space analysis of fixed pointed and periodic orbits. Bifurcation methods. Description of strange attractors and chaos. Introductions to maps. Applications: engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology. Prerequisite: either AMATH 351, MATH 136, or MATH 207. Offered: W.

View course details in MyPlan: AMATH 402

AMATH 481 Scientific Computing (5)

Survey of numerical techniques for differential equations. Emphasis is on implementation of numerical schemes for application problems. For ordinary differential equations, initial value problems and second order boundary value problems are covered. Methods for partial differential equations include finite differences, finite elements and spectral methods. Requires use of a scientific programming language (e.g., MATLAB or Python). Prerequisite: AMATH 301; either AMATH 351, MATH 135, or MATH 207; and either AMATH 352, MATH 136, or MATH 208. Offered: A.

View course details in MyPlan: AMATH 481 e24fc04721

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