Introduction to Deep Learning


Final presentations are scheduled for December 6th, from 4 to 6 pm in the same classroom. The format is going to be 20 minutes presentation about your project.

Please provide me with a copy of your presentation and one page report of what you have worked on, preferably 1 week before December 6th.

If you have any questions you can contact me, Achim, or Marco.

Welcome to our Deep Learning reading course for AMATH 900. This course is also offered for undergraduates with the course number AMATH 495.

This course is taught by Aida Ahmadzadegan and Achim Kempf

For registering in this course for audit or credit, you can get the 10 digit permission number from Applied Math grad administrator, Ms. Nadia Linares: MC6036, ext.32700,

If the cap is reached please ask for the override form from Nadia and we can sign it for you.

The class will be on Mondays, 4-6 pm in the seminar room MC6460.

As a participant in this class you will be giving presentations during term. The students who are taking the course for credit will need to submit the end of the term project. Your final mark consist of 50% from your presentations and contribution in the class and 50% from your end of the term project.

There will be a pop up quiz at some point during the term to help us keep a track of how people are progressing but its mark would not be part of your final grade.

If you are new to writing, you can take a look at the following handbook for advice:

Important dates: September 9th, 2019 - Introductory session at 4 pm in MC6334

Please check the flyer for our course to get preliminary information. More details will be discussed during the first session.