Male Circumcision: Myths and Facts in Dubai

Male circumcision in Dubai, like in many cultures, is often surrounded by myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings. These myths can impact people's perceptions and decisions regarding circumcision. It's essential to separate fact from fiction to make informed choices about this cultural and religious practice. This article addresses common myths and presents factual information about male circumcision in Dubai.

Myth: Male circumcision is purely a cultural practice with no health benefits.

Fact: While Male circumcision in Dubai has significant cultural and religious importance, it also offers various health benefits. Studies have shown that circumcision can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, penile cancer, and certain foreskin-related conditions. Therefore, circumcision provides both cultural and health-related advantages.

Myth: Male circumcision is a painful and risky procedure.

Fact: Male circumcision, when performed by trained healthcare professionals using sterile techniques, is generally safe and well-tolerated. Local anesthesia is commonly used to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Complications are rare but may include minor bleeding or infection, which can usually be easily treated. Overall, the risks associated with circumcision are low compared to the potential benefits.

Myth: Circumcision negatively impacts sexual function and pleasure.

Fact: There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that circumcision adversely affects sexual function or pleasure. Some studies have even found that circumcision may lead to improved sexual satisfaction for both men and their partners due to factors such as reduced risk of infection and improved hygiene. However, individual experiences may vary, and cultural perceptions may influence attitudes toward circumcision and sexual health.

Myth: Uncircumcised males can undergo circumcision at any age without consequences.

Fact: While circumcision can be performed at any age, there are potential differences in outcomes and recovery depending on when the procedure is done. Circumcision performed during infancy or childhood is often associated with faster healing, reduced pain, and lower risk of complications compared to adult circumcision. However, adults can still undergo circumcision safely, albeit with a slightly longer recovery period.

Myth: Male circumcision is only relevant for religious or cultural reasons.

Fact: While male circumcision is indeed rooted in religious and cultural traditions, it also has significant public health implications. Circumcision has been endorsed by medical organizations worldwide for its health benefits, including disease prevention and improved genital hygiene. Therefore, circumcision is relevant not only from a cultural or religious perspective but also from a public health standpoint.


Separating myths from facts is crucial when discussing male circumcision in Dubai. While circumcision is deeply entrenched in cultural and religious traditions, it also offers tangible health benefits supported by medical research. By understanding the facts about circumcision, individuals and families in Dubai can make informed decisions about this important aspect of their cultural and personal identity.