Internet U

The University of the Internet

The internet is full of resources that we can use individually and in our communities. Lots of those resources are free. Lots are really cheap. It would be great to take advantage of them.

Most people don’t know what we’re missing. No one (including me) has figured out how communities can take full advantage of the internet's opportunities. We're missing out.

The University of Internet is an experiment to see if we can change there's interest in using some of these resources; if I can generate more interest; if we can create and uncover needs, and then satisfy those needs--and make our community a little better.

In the internet age, experiments are cheap and easy to build and change. The fastest way to find out how to do something is to launch something, see what works and what doesn't, and keep making it better.

The vision

I hope that The University of the Internet will be able to connect people to educational resources, and to connect people in the community to one another, based on shared interests.

I've built the first campus: and I

The University will create a catalog of courses. Most will be links to courses already on the internet. It will also create local campuses. Blue Hill is the first.

Go to Intenet U. Find a course. Sign up. Find other people in the community who share your interest. Use University resources to help you get together in virtual meetings and in real life. Have fun. See if this is a good idea. And if it is, and if you want to expand Internet U, then Internet U teach you how to do it.

I'm starting small: in Blue Hill. And with one course. It's a course I was already signed up for, but I thought it might be more fun to take it with friends--old and new in my community.

You're all invited. Go to: to find out about us (basically, what I just said). Go to see our beautiful Blue Hill virtual campus. Either page will lead you to the other, and to our course catalog.