Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and Applications - Second Edition

     Call for Book Chapters - 2024

Wiley-IEEE Press


The first edition of this book was published in 2018 with the aim of providing holistic and comprehensive material on the Internet of Things (IoT). The book has become a reference for various researchers and professional ICT practitioners. Some universities around the world, including those in Europe and North America, are also using this book as course material for several subjects. Today, six years after its publication, and given the continuous growth of IoT, it is imperative that the book be updated. Hence, the aim of this project is to refine the focus of the book and fill the gaps in the previous edition by including topics essential for a cohesive and timely understanding of the IoT. In this edition, special emphasis will be given to network technologies, security, AI, and big data analytics. New application domains will also be included. And finally, the content retained from the previous edition will be revised.

DOI: 10.1002/9781119456735; URL:

Print ISBN: 9781119456742; Online ISBN: 9781119456735 


The project aims to:


Wiley-IEEE Press


The book is indexed by IEEE ( and its indexing partners (


This book is tailored for university students of advanced levels, academics, and researchers engaged in the study of IoT, computer science, networks and telecom engineering, distributed computing, applied sciences, and business innovation. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals involved in the implementation of IoT projects.

Chapters of Interest

The editor is interested in quality, comprehensive review chapters on the following topics (all in the context of IoT) *:

* One holistic chapter per bullet point.

Submission Procedure

Experienced researchers and practitioners with a good publication record are invited to submit their chapter proposals for an initial evaluation. A standard chapter proposal should be saved in Word format and include the following:

Authors are highly encouraged to check the first edition of the book before submission to get an idea about the quality of the content, writing style and depth, format, etc. TOC and some chapters are available online for free.


Important Dates

Manuscript Format


Qusay Hassan, PhD, Egypt

About Editor

Qusay Hassan is a technology evangelist with over 20 years of practical experience in ICT. Throughout his career, he has held diverse roles in teaching, software development, and data engineering. In his previous position as a systems analyst at USAID, he actively contributed to the Digital Transformation initiative, where he helped in adopting new technologies and implementing innovative solutions across sectors. Qusay received his PhD from Mansoura University, Egypt, in computers and information sciences in 2015. His research interests are varied, which include IoT, big data, cloud computing, grid computing, and SOA. Qusay has authored and co-authored several journal and conference papers as well as book chapters. He also published several books, including two edited books on IoT, namely Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and Applications, 2018, IEEE Press-Wiley; and Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications, 2017, CRC Press, for which he is currently preparing new editions. He is a senior member of IEEE.