
Workshop Scheduling

Phase 1: Introduction and Paper Prototyping

9:00-10:00 - Workshop introduction and 1 minute-madness session

During the first hour, participants will present themselves and their work or their interest in the field of tangible interaction with IoT, with the purpose of facilitating exchanges and collaborations between participants. Participants can use 1 slide as a support and will have about 1 minute each. Moreover, an introductory presentation will explain the context of the workshop, with a particular reference to the importance of tangible interaction and the interaction-attention continuum in relation to the field of the Internet of Things. We will also present the design cards and the rules for the following activities. We will form 3-5 groups, granting mixed participant backgrounds for each group and assigning a different design task (IoT application context) to each group.

10:00-10:30 and 11:00-11:30 - Paper prototyping of a Tangible IoT device

Participants will start the hands-on activity by identifying an idea of one or more IoT objects for their application context and producing a storyboard for the typical interactions that a user would do with their IoT object. Then, they will build a cardboard prototype, which will be used to illustrate the tangible properties of their IoT object. During this phase, participants will use the design cards as a support for reflecting on the different tangible interactions that can be designed in relation to the different IoT object properties.

10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 - Sharing and discussion

At the end of the first phase, participants will present their idea of IoT object, supported by the storyboard and the cardboard prototype. In particular, they will discuss which tangible interaction properties they have explored and how these properties situate in the interaction-attention continuum.

12:30-14:00 - Lunch Break

Phase 2: Hardware Prototyping and Discussion

14:00-15:00 and 15:30-17:00 - Arduino protoyping of a Tangible IoT device

At the beginning of the second phase, we will introduce the hardware prototyping platform and the available sensors and actuators for implementing the IoT object prototype. We will also present the hardware and code samples that will be provided for each tangible prototype as a support for the prototyping phase. During this phase, each group will try to implement the idea generated in the first phase and to integrate the hardware in the cardboard prototype. At the end of this activity, they will present their result.

15:00-15:30 - Coffee Break

17:00-17:30 - Sharing and discussion

The last half hour will be devoted to the discussion of results. In particular, participants will discuss how tangible interaction properties were situated in the interaction-attention continuum by each group and in which manner the designed IoT objects supported the switch between different types of interaction.