12.04.2021 CEST 09:30 am

Event Links

Hauptraum | Mainroom – Keynote Tanja Anderson, University Talks, System Design Talk, General Informations

Meeting-ID: 935 2536 1057, Kenncode: ISDL

Deborah Weber-Wulff I Ethical Scenarios in Computing

Meeting-ID: 990 6316 3226, kein Kenncode | no code

Katharina Ibrahim I Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Meeting-ID: 924 3228 6881, Kenncode: 636313

Elisa Lindinger I Picknick im Park statt Datenautobahn: Digitale Infrastrukturen und Ungleicheit

Meeting-ID: 971 7509 9172, Kenncode: ISDL2021



After Show Session – networking | loungetime, live - vinyl "soul & co."

Journals of the future

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Online Symposium

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass die Studierenden der HTW Berlin aus dem System Design Master mit der Spezialisierung Produkte und Prozesse ein internationales Online-Symposium am 12. April 2021 veranstalten werden. Dies geschieht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Oslo Metropolitan University (Oslomet - storbyuniversitetet) und der Universität Nantes (École de Design Nantes Atlantique).

Diese wissenschaftliche und themengebundene Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung. wird die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse und Kenntnisse aus dem Gebiet des System Design und der Systemtheorie thematisieren. Die Teilnehmenden werden die Möglichkeit bekommen, Erfahrungsberichte von renommierten System Design Wissenschaftler*innen und Expert*innen aus der Praxis weltweit zu erleben und an Diskussionen teilzunehmen: von Berlin bis Brisbane, von Neuseeland bis Nantes. Diese Veranstaltung bietet einen ganzen Tag des Austauschs und eine Plattform für alle, die sich für systemisches Denken interessieren. Begeben Sie sich mit uns auf eine Reise, um zuzuhören, zu lernen und aktuelles Wissen, Forschung und Forschungsstrategien sowie Erfolgsgeschichten aus einer internationalen Perspektive zu diskutieren.

Das Symposium bietet eine Reihe von akademischen Vorträgen und eine kleine Gruppe von semi-interaktiven „Brainsnacks“ mit Themen wie Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen und Politik, Datenethik, Smart Cities, Datenverwaltung und Verwaltungskapazitäten im Smart City Kontext. Während des Symposiums geben Studierende des neuen Masterstudiengangs System Design mit dem Schwerpunkt Produkte und Prozesse Einblicke in Ihre Masterprojekte und deren Zukünfte. Schriftlich und persönlich wird es während der Veranstaltung die Möglichkeit geben Feedback zu geben und mit den Studierenden direkt in Kontakt zu treten.

Was genau sind diese Brainsnacks?

Brainsnacks sind semi-interaktive Sitzungen, die im zweiten Teil des Symposiums stattfinden. Alle Teilnehmenden entscheiden sich bei der Anmeldung zum Symposium, an welchen Brainsnack sie partizipieren möchten. Dieser Eintrag bei der Anmeldung ist nicht bindend, hilft uns jedoch vorherzusagen, wie viele Personen an welchem ​​Brainsnack teilnehmen möchten. In jeder Sitzung vermitteln die Expert*innen ihr Wissen an die Teilnehmenden und ermutigen sie im Anschluss, an der darauf folgenden Diskussion teilzunehmen. Möglichkeiten für Systeminterventionen, Hebelpunkte und soziale Innovationspraktiken werden unter anderem die Kernelemente der Brainsnacks sein.

We are pleased to announce that the students of the System Design Master with the specialisation Products and Processes from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW Berlin), in cooperation with the Oslo Metropolitan University (Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet) and the University of Nantes (École de Design Nantes Atlantique), will be hosting an international online symposium on the 12th April, 2021.

The symposium will thematize the current research and knowledge in the field of Systemic Design and System Theorie. Participants will be engaging in discussion with renowned System Design academics and practitioners from all over the world: from Berlin to Brisbane, from New Zealand to Nantes. This event provides a full day of exchange and a platform for those interested in Systemic Design. Join us on a journey to listen, learn and discuss cutting-edge knowledge, research and research strategies and success stories from a worldwide perspective.

The symposium will be offering a number of talks-sessions from an academic perspective and a small cluster of semi-interactive “brainsnacks” with themes such as business- government collaboration, data ethics, smart cities, data governance and administrative capacity in the smart city context. During the symposium students of the new, Master's degree Programme System Design with a focus on products and processes will give insights into their Master's projects and their futures. Written and personal feedback will be possible during the event.

What are exactly brainsnacks?

Brainsnacks are semi-interactive sessions, taking place simultaneously after the main talk-sessions. You can choose one to attend here. This entry is not binding, however, it helps us foresee how many people want to attend which brainsnack. In each workshop, participants will learn from different experts on the topic and then be encouraged to participate in a discussion. Possibilities for system interventions, leverage points and social innovation practices will be, among others, the core elements of the brainsnacks.

Keynote Speaker

Tania Anderson is an interdisciplinary system and participatory designer, and a recovering project and change manager, creating solutions and driving change for social impact and outcomes. She has 10+ years working in and across the public and business sector in behaviour change in digital, service, programme and intervention design. She works in cross-government collaborative systems design; trauma and adversity informed participatory practice with people experiencing and working with challenges such as homelessness, mental health distress and addictions, family and sexual violence. She is currently working within the Disability Support Services system transformation out of the Ministry of Health, applying complex systemic design for social innovation in partnership with our disabled people community and leadership.



Unitalk Speakers

Dr. Rafael Gomez is Study Area Coordinator and developed, deployed and manages the new Industrial Design degree at QUT. He is a design researcher for QUT Design Lab and a prominent researcher in the field of emotional experience and wearable tech for medical/health applications. He is also founder and head of the BMW Group + QUT Design Academy which centres on three programs including internships, research and special R+D projects with BMW Group in Germany.

Florent Orsoni
Director of the City design lab at L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique.

Convinced of the importance of a systemic design approach to unite teams and views around "meaningful" innovations, Florent Orsoni actively promotes its teaching and its dissemination. Whether it is with the chair of Enterprises, Territories and Innovation at Paris I Sorbonne, within the framework of the European project Atlantic youth creative hubs (Interreg Atlantic Area) or with the territories (Pays de la Loire and Corsica), Florent Orsoni regularly intervenes in France and internationally to disseminate these practices within the framework of workshops, conferences and symposiums.

Julia Kunkel
Design Lab Director, Product Designer

A graduate of the University of fine Arts Berlin. Julia Klinkel is a product Designer specializing in Food, Global Brand Design and CMF with more then 17 years of experience in design agencies including Peugeot Design Lab and Carlin Creative.

Tore Gulden

I am a professor in industrial design with main interests in game dynamics, systemic design, and sustainable design. I run the courses in Systemic design, Design for experience, and Game dynamics on the master program Design in Complexity, at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) and Practice oriented systemic design in cooperation with L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, France. My research is oriented about the theme Systems of play which combines play and game dynamics and systemic design.

Systemtalk Speaker

Silvia Barbero, PhD is Associate Professor at POLITECNICO DI TORINO

She is responsible for the stage&job design curriculum. Her research mainly focuses on Systemic Design applied to territorial development. She is the scientific coordinator of many European projects (Interreg Europe, H2020,...) and also regional ones. She founded the Eco-pack Observatory in 2005. She has supervised 7 PhD-students and coordinated 7 fellow researchers. She is the author of some books on sustainable design, furthermore she wrote more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and reviewed international conference proceedings (resulting in 100+ citations). She is professor in "Open Systems" at the Systemic Design Master Degree since a.y. 2017-2018; professor in "Product Environmental Requirements at Design and Visual Communication degree since 2007-; professor in "Systemic Design" at doctoral course in Management, production and Design.

Publishing activity

Brainsnack Speakers

Fabian Gampp is a Strategic Designer and lecturer with a focus on social and environmental issues. He is co-founder of the Education Innovation Lab in Berlin, which specializes in the development of innovative learning formats and materials. As a member of the Systemic Design Group he experiments with Systemic Design approaches and teaches Human-Centered Design, Social Innovation and Systemic Design at various universities in Berlin.


Elisa Lindinger forscht und arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von Technologie, Kunst und Gesellschaft. Sie ist Mitgründerin des Superrr Lab. In ihrer Arbeit konzentriert sie sich auf Fragen rund um eine gerechte Digitalisierung, die digitale Zivilgesellschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen neuer


Fotorechte: Oliver Ajkovic


current project

Dr. Katharina Ibrahim studierte Geschichte und Philosophie und war viele Jahre in verschiedenen Management-Positionen in Vertrieb, Kundenservice und Projektmanagement tätig. Seit 10 Jahren arbeitet Sie als Beraterin und Trainerin. Sie ist freiberufliche Dozentin für Organisationsentwicklung am Systemischen Zentrum der WISPO AG in Frankfurt.


Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff I teach various media and software-oriented subjects. Projects on Internet and eLearning interest me, as well as my work on detecting and educating about plagiarism.Check out my plagiarism FAQ, my portal with the Plagiarism Detection Software Tests, my blog about good scientific practice, and my eLearning unit "Fremde Federn Finden". My book on plagiarism, "False Feathers: A Perspective on Academic Plagiarism" was published in 2014. I published a chapter in the "Handbook of Academic Integrity" on text-matching software in 2016.

Fotorechte: 2016, HTW Berlin / C.Rackelmann

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