Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The scope of this workshop will cover relevant research focusing on the incorporation and use of advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques and blockchain to support and enhance smart transportation, smart grid, safety applications, smart homes, smart city and smart healthcare solutions.

The workshop invites academia, research professionals, industry and government entities to submit:

  • Original research papers on blockchain and AI/ML based smart healthcare system, intelligent transportation, smart grid, safety applications, smart homes.

  • Demos (hands-on or videos) of testbeds/experiences/proof of concepts/prototype of blockchain and AI/ML based systems.

We seek submissions from multiple interdisciplinary backgrounds tackling latency, throughout, energy consumption, accuracy, computation and communication costs, security and privacy issues in IoT enabled smart society system, including but not limited to:

  • Mathematical foundations for AI/ML and blockchain based solutions

  • High assurance security architectures for smart society applications

  • Blockchain based security and privacy solutions for smart society

  • AI/ML based risk assessment approaches

  • Identity and access management using AI/ML approaches

  • Trust management for smart society

  • Human factors and blockchain based security for development of smart society

  • Intrusion and anomaly detection for smart society applications

  • Decision making and reinforcement learning for smart society applications

  • Efficient, scalable processing of huge amount of data in smart society

Timelines for the workshops:

  • Opening of Workshop Papers for Acceptance: July 15th, 2022

  • Deadline for Workshop Papers: October 15th, 2022 (Firm)

  • Decision on Acceptance/Rejection of the Workshop Papers: November 5th, 2022

  • Camera-Ready Papers Version Due: November 15th, 2022.

  • Workshop Date: January 4th, 2023

Submission Instructions

Papers should be at most 6 pages, including title, abstract, figures and references, and not published or under review elsewhere. Papers should be prepared as per ACM conference proceedings format.

Submission Link:

The workshop proceedings will be published in ACM ICPS along with ICDCN main conference proceedings, and will be available through ACM Digital Library.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper. In addition, no-shows of accepted papers at the workshop will result in those papers NOT being included in the proceedings.