International Travel

A Digital Breakout Activity Unit

Many people dream of visiting new and exciting places to experience culture, cuisine, and local entertainment through travel. Transportation technology makes it easier and faster than ever before to get from one country to another although travel can be very expensive and time-consuming. Heightened safety concerns often mean changing security requirements and government screening processes for crossing borders.

Some experts believe that technology may begin to replace in-person travel. VR-AR-MR (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality) are immediate, engaging, and immersive entertainment that can be accessed anywhere. This could cause travel to boom if people, having used these technologies, want to experience the world “for real.” People may become increasingly comfortable in both worlds: the physical real world and the digital world that is constructed instantly and repeatedly to fit what each person wants and chooses, using immediately responsive networks.

How will the time, technology, security concerns, and expense associated with travel impact the future of international travel and tourism?

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  • All of the underlined text is linked to other webpages.
  • It may be easier to have both this site and the Google Form open so you can toggle back and forth.