International Student Support Repository

An openly available collaborative resource for post-secondary faculty, student affairs professionals, and communities working with international students

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The International Student Support Repository (ISSR) is a public and freely available resource for faculty, student affairs professionals, staff, and community members who work and interact with international students. Each page provides a variety of resources that may be used independently or curated into training programs. 

For the purposes of this repository, UNESCO's definition for internationally mobile students is being used:

"An internationally mobile student [international student] is a student who has left their country, or territory of origin, and moved to another country or territory with the singular objective of studying."

A note from the Curator: I originally conceptualized and curated this repository within my final graduate course at Northeastern University with the generous support of my Capstone professor, Dr. Joan Burkhardt and my project sponsor, Jaime White. Now, it is maintained as a part of my contribution to the international education community. My hope is that users can grow their own knowledge and skills, translate that into improving services for international students, and join the Open Educational Resources movement by contributing their own big ideas, resources, and events to this repository. 

If you are interested in getting involved with the repository further, please contact me!

Please note: The ISSR is an independent project maintained by Rachael Elliott and has no current affiliation with a company, university, or institution. 


What is this?

To learn more about the history and evolution of the Open Learning movement, check out this timeline!

Who is it for?

How can I use it?

About The Curator

Rachael Elliott is the Director of Comprehensive [Immigration] Advising in the Office of Global Services at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. After a 10 year contemporary dance career in Europe, Asia, and North America, she entered the international education field and never looked back. Rachael is invested in and devoted to improving international student outcomes and experiences. She hopes that this collection of high-quality resources and training for the faculty, staff, and communities that work with and support international students will provide a framework with which to do so. 


Elliott, R. W. (2020, July). The history and evolution of open learning. The History and Evolution of Open Learning. 

Sparks, S. D. (2020, September 24). Open Educational Resources (OER): Overview and Definition.

What Defines an International Student? A Look Behind the Numbers. (2019, June 12).