Science for Society, Bihar

"A voluntary organisation of scientists, technologists and scientific workers was formed in 1980, with the prime objective of popularizing science through lecture series, publishing books, journals etc."

It is a voluntary organization (Registered under Society Registration Act-1860, at Patna) of scientists, technologists and scientific workers was formed in 1980, with the prime objective of popularizing science through lecture series, publishing books, journals with a view to generate scientific temper among the masses and to work towards proper utilization of scientific and technological know – how for the development, and economic of upliftment of the society.

The society has organised a number of popular lectures, as well as national seminars, workshops on topics of current interest and skill building. The society is a voluntary organisation of Scientists, technologist, teachers, science communicators that endeavors to

  • Popularize science and technology

  • Stimulate scientific and technological temper

  • Self reliance in science and technology

  • Coordinate and support such innovative efforts

Aims & objectives

  • Organizing popular lectures, debates, science exhibitions including audio-visual aids especially in the rural area . Publication of Popular Science booklets, journals in regional language (Hindi) and promote scientific temper.

  • To make endeavors for the proper utilization of scientific and technological know - how for the development and economic growth of the society.

  • The society will make effort to see that the teaching methodology and aids conforms to the established scientific basis .

  • To provide forum for discussion on : Development of science , technology and their implementation and impact on society.

  • To promote : Self-reliance in science and technology and of indigenous results of research .Involvement of scientific and technological institutions in the activities. Democratization of the work of scientific and technological institutions in the state.

  • To achieve the above objectives the society will arrange. Discussion, Seminar, Symposia, Workshops for scientists, technologists and People. Publication and research of relevant topics.

  • Any other activity to promote the above objectives.

Skill building programmes for science teachers/grass root science communicators

Regional training workshops for MRP on project preparation on various faces of science and technology and its application Regional MRP training workshop for study on rights of District level orientation training workshops for school teachers / science communicators Publication of newsletter by a group of coordinators Translation, publication of resource materials in Hindi.