Intermountain Branch

 American Society for Microbiology

Welcome to the Intermountain Branch Webpage! Consider joining our Branch or becoming involved in the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). ASM Branches serve students, postdocs, early-career and established scientists by providing professional development, leadership and mentoring opportunities. For more information, visit ASM Branches.

Annual Meeting Information

The Intermountain Branch of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is being planned for Spring, 2025, at Idaho State University:

Registration & Abstract Submission

The site to both register for the meeting and submit an abstract is now open. The registration fee amounts will be payable soon ($5 for students/trainees or $30 for faculty, staff of similar roles). Please follow the link below:


The finalized schedule for the meeting will be updated soon.


We anticipate having multiple concurrent sessions for oral presentations, as well as opportunities for poster presentations. Presentations will be judged and prizes will be awarded for the best talks and posters.


The meeting will be held at Idaho State University on Saturday, April 26, 2025

For those who are coming from out of town, there are multiple nearby lodging options. 

Keynote Speaker

The keynote speaker is still to be determined.

ASM Microbe Meeting

The annual ASM Microbe meeting will be held in Los Angeles, CA, June 19-23, 2025. This meeting is organized by the national ASM and is separate from our annual branch meeting.

Funding Opportunities

Peggy Cotter Travel Award

The ASM Peggy Cotter Travel Award Program for Early Career Branch Members provides funds (up to $1650) for outstanding early career Branch members to attend ASM Microbe (National ASM Conference). Awardees will use the awards to pay for registration, accommodation and travel costs associated with attending the annual ASM Microbe meeting (June 13-17; Atlanta, GA).

The link for nominations can be accessed here:

Branch Information

About Us

We are a group of microbiology professionals, trainees, and students from Utah, Idaho and Nevada. Our mission is to support the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) to promote and advance the microbial sciences in this local community. The Intermountain Branch serves: Idaho (zip codes 83200-83499 and 83600-83799), Nevada (zip codes 89300-89399), and Utah. You can learn more about the geographical area that this branch covers and how to join here

Briefly, those desiring to formally join the branch pay annual dues, which are collected online through the ASM registration website.

Branch Officers

The Branch officers for 2024-2025 are:

Past Annual Meetings

Past branch meetings have been held at the following venues:


Mailing address

Javier Ochoa-Repáraz

Department of Biological Sciences, SN-114

Boise State University

Mail Stop 151

1910 University Dr

Boise, ID 83725-1515
