The laboratory is an experimental space to research the soft aspects of architecture -light, sound, microclimate, texture, and scent-.


A structure aimed at creating a space through the intangible qualities of half-light. The initial goal is to filter light as it passes through the leaves of a tree, translating the sensations experienced while sitting beneath it. In an open space, the structural light elements transform the area into a dense, semi-dark place—a precious space that evokes a sense of touch.


The project is a path at the interior of a train station. It proposes to the frequent users an opportunity to slow down in daily life by giving them three smooth spaces in which the main material is light, giving the users a spiritual experience.

Domestic nature

The projects aim to study the qualities, attributes and relationships that constitute the notion of home, specifically those conditions linked to the architecture.  Thinking of the construction of space as a large mass that is excavated to create a chain of environments with different characteristics, but always evoking the sense of home.

Interior exterior/exterior interior

A frequent theme in the Colombian house is the veranda a space “in-between” that could be considered an extension of the exterior area that enters the house or an extension of the inner space over the outside. This duality between interior and exterior is investigated with scale models to reproduce those characteristics in another environment. 

Ethereal walking

A series of adjustable panels are arranged in several modes according to the needs of the exhibitors or the requirements. Lightweight materials seek to create a delicate, ethereal, ambiguous, fleeting space system that changes as people walk through it, producing different environments and experiences.

The surface

With this series of scale models the main emphasis is focused on the surface, it looks for ways to organize, integrate and lead through proxemics, the layout of a space.

Abitando il vuoto

It is a series of graphical analyses where the invisible aspects of the daily use of diverse houses in Colombia are documented. The space approach is made from the dwell through time, analyzing proxemics,  microclimate, aroma, sound, and intimacy, among other aspects.