speaker guidelines

General intructions

  • Case presentations and lectures are limited to 15 minutes, with 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions, discussion and change-over.

  • Each case presentation must conclude with a reflection on lessons learnt, or questions to stimulate forum discussion and participation.

Presentation format

  • All presentations should be in PowerPoint or Keynote format and Mac/PC compatible.

  • The presentation must be in 16:9 format. Please use this format when creating your slides.

  • Please ensure that all scans, images and media files are embedded into the presentation.

Media elements

  • Use the 'Insert' function to integrate all media elements, such as images and video

  • Try to limit the size of your videos and sound to 1GB, and use formats such as .mp4 and .wmv if possible

  • Ensure that all media can be played directly from the PowerPoint presentation

GUidelines for virtual meeting presenters

Webex is an easy to use platform for the virtual Interface Meeting. This can be used on your laptop or on your mobile/tablet (in which case you may want to download the Webex app). There are a few instructions below that will help:

1. Please use the link provided in the registration email or from the website to join the meeting.

2. The Host for the meeting will run through etiquette for the meeting at the start of the meeting, and introduce the Chairperson.

3. When you enter the meeting you will be automatically placed on mute. Please ensure that if you are not presenting that your microphone remains muted (by pressing the mute button on the bottom toolbar if necessary).

4. If you are presenting, it is recommended to use the Webex platform via Google Chrome to enable sharing of your laptop or PC screen.

5. When it is your turn to present, the Chairperson will introduce you. When you wish to share your screen, please do so by selecting the sharing icon or the circular button with three dots on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen – this will then allow you to select the window that is running on your laptop that you want to share (e.g. PowerPoint). Please remember to unmute your microphone when you are presenting.

6. In order to ask questions, please do so via the chat function which is accessed via the chat button on the bottom toolbar. This will then open a conversation window on the right side of the screen through which you can type in your question (and select the option to ask ‘Everyone’) and also follow questions asked by other people.

7. At the end of the presentation, the Chairperson will ask the Presenter questions appearing in the conversation section. Delegates are not permitted to ask questions via the microphone. Due to time constraints, not all questions can be addressed.