The Merseyside Interface Meeting

Thursday 3 september 2020

(Programme schedule is based on British Summer Time, GMT+1)


A/Prof Raewyn Campbell (Macquarie University Hospital, Sydney, Australia)

Mr. Neil Tan (Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, U.K.)


Theme: Rhinology - Skull Base (International Series III)

10:25 Welcome, introductions and meeting etiquette and rules briefing (Mr. Neil Tan. Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, U.K.)

10:30 Lecture: Novel topical therapies in CRS (Prof. P-J Wormald. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Adelaide, Australia)

11:10 Lecture: What to do if polyps return after ESS (Associate Prof. Alkis Psaltis. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Adelaide, Australia)

11:50 Case 1 Endoscopic approaches to the sphenoid sinus - surgical Pearls & Case examples (Dr. Soma Subramaniam. Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore)

12:10 Comfort break

12:20 Case 2 Management of Pott's Puffy Tumor: What should we do when EMLP is not

effective? (Dr. Rumi Sekine. The Jikei University Hospital. Tokyo, Japan)

12:40 Case 3 Orbital invasion of second cancer after nasopharyngeal cancer (Dr. Ping-Hung "Allen" Shen. Kuang-Tien General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan)

13:00 Case 4 Is septoplastly safe in patients with head trauma? Be aware of the skull base (A/Prof Cristóbal Langdon. University of Barcelona, Spain)

13:20 Case 5 Endoscopic management of IP - Case based discussions (Mr. Rishi Sharma. Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, U.K.)

13:40 Q&As, close of meeting