the merseyside interface meeting

TUEsday 26th January 2021

(Programme schedule is based on GMT)


Ms Casey Vaughan (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Mr Sunil Sharma (Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)


Theme: Otology - Lateral Skull Base

18:20 Welcome, introductions and meeting etiquette and rules briefing (Ms Casey Vaughan and Mr Sunil Sharma)

18:30 Droplet and bone dust spread in mastoid surgery, Ms Anne Markey (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

18:50 Extensive skull base osteomyelitis diagnosed after clinical resolution of otitis externa, Ms Catriona Shenton (Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust)

19:10 Mastoiditis due to cholesteatoma, Mr Robert Nash (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust)

19:30 NOE diagnostic challenges, Ms Nazia Munir (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

19:50 A case of ear canal erosion, Mr Joseph Manjaly (University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

20:10 Panel discussion (Mr Simon Carr, Mr Rohit Verma, Ms Nazia Munir, Mr Robert Nash, Mr Joseph Manjaly, Ms Casey Vaughan)

20:30 Q&As, close of meeting