2nd north west rhinology symposium

Invited international speaker

Dr. Firas Kassem M.D is a Consultant Rhinologist and Director of the Rhinology Service at the Department of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Meir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba. He is also a Clinical Instructor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University. He has been organising and coordinating FESS training courses, from basic to advanced level, which were held at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine for the Israeli ENT residents.
His main clinical and research interest are focused on studying and better understanding sinus diseases associated with dental origin and post-implants, as well inflammatory diseases of the nasal and paranasal sinuses.
He was trained at Meir Medical Center and had an observational fellowship at the The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Adelaide, Australia) under the supervision of Prof. P- J Wormald. Recently, Dr. Kassem was nominated and elected as the Chairman of the Israeli Rhinologic Society.

Invited national speakers

Mr. Iman Khodaei, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Mr. Pavol Surda, Guy's and Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Mr. Vinay Varadarajan, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

wednesday 22 january 2020

(Lecture Theatre 3, Institute in the Park)

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13:00 Registration, coffee and welcome (Mr. Ravi Sharma, Alder Hey Children's Hospital)

13:30 Case 1 Management of Empty Nose Syndrome and recent updates (Mr. Richard Green, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

13:50 Case 2 Our experience of endoscopic transseptal approach for choanal atresia repair (Ms. Grace Khong, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust)

14:10 Case 3 Retrieval of a foreign body in the maxillary sinus after three via Caldwell-Luc procedures (Mr. Iman Khodaei, Royal Chesterfield Hospital)

14:30 Case 4 Management of orbital cellullitis secondary to sinusitis (Dr. Walid Alfifi, Alder Hey Children's Hospital)

15:00 Comfort break, coffee

15:30 The effects of middle turbinate orientation on sphenoid sinus irrigation following sinus surgery (Dr. Dilesh Mogre, Arrowe Park Hospital)

15:50 Case 5 Sinonasal myoepithelial pleomorphic adenoma (Mr. John Rocke, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary)

16:10 Case 6 Nasal meningoencephalocele (Ms. Aikaterini Dritsoula, Sheffield Children’s Hospital)

16:30 Case 7 Making wise men out of a fool (Mr. Saurabh Sinha, Sheffield Children’s Hospital)

16:45 Case 8 Recurrent craniopharyngioma (Mr. Ajay Sinha, Alder Hey Children's Hospital)

17:00 Comfort break, coffee

17:30 Post-operative sinusitis after sinus augmentation surgery - identifying the etiology and optimising treatment (Dr. Firas Kassem)

17:55 Delving into the endoscopic Abyss: a paradigm shift in rhinoplasty (Mr. Iman Khodaei, Royal Chesterfield Hospital)

18:15 Orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease - salvage vs cosmesis (Dr. Firas Kassem)

18:40 Management of sinonasal cancers with orbital invasion - case presentation and current standards (Dr. Pavol Surda, Guy's and Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

19:05 Avoiding the transmaxillary approach - utilising 70 scopes to access lateral recess of sphenoid pathology (Mr. Vinay Varadarajan, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

19:30 Close

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