The Merseyside Interface Meeting


(Programme schedule is based on GMT)


Ms Casey Vaughan (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Mr Sunil Sharma (Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)


Theme: Otology - Lateral Skull Base

13:30 Welcome, introductions and meeting etiquette and rules briefing (Ms Casey Vaughan and Mr Sunil Sharma)

13:50 Surgical approaches to mastoid surgery (Ms Casey Vaughan, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

14:10 A difficult cochlear implant (Ms Simon Carr, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)

14:30 Paediatric CSF leak repair (Mr Robert Nash, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust)

14:50 Break

15:10 An interesting case of facial neuroma (Ms Nazia Munir, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

15:30 To implant or not to implant? (Ms Priya Achar, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust)

15:50 Panel discussion (Mr Simon Carr, Mr Rohit Verma, Ms Nazia Munir, Mr Robert Nash, Ms Priya Achar, Ms Casey Vaughan)

16:50 Q&As

17:00 Close