the merseyside interface meeting

Wednesday 15th september 2021


Ms Casey Vaughan (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Mr Sunil Sharma (Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)


Theme: Otology - Lateral Skull Base

18:20 Welcome, introductions and meeting etiquette and rules briefing (Ms Casey Vaughan and Mr Sunil Sharma)

18:30 Pulsatile tinnitus, Mr Anand Kasbekar (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust)

18:50 A difficult case of cochlear implantation, Ms Priya Achar (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust)

19:10 Cochlear implantation under local anaesthetic, Ms Emma Stapleton (Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust)

19:30 Paediatric cholesteatoma, Mr Stephen Blackhouse (Princess of Wales Hospital, NHS Wales University Health Board)

19:50 Osteoradionecrosis after radiotherapy, Mr Ananth Vijendren (East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust)

20:10 Panel discussion (Mr Anand Kasbekar, Ms Priya Achar, Ms Emma Stapleton, Mr Stephen Blackhouse, Mr Ananth Vijendren, Ms Casey Vaughan)

20:30 Q&As, close of meeting