Call for Papers

Call for Submissions to the "Interactive AI for Human-Centered Robotics" Workshop at Ro-MAN 2024


Date: August 26, 2024 (Half-day workshop in the morning)

Location: Pasadena, California, USA (or online), as part of IEEE Ro-MAN 2024

Paper submission site: Submission link

Contact for submissions:




Submission deadline: July 20, 2024

Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2024

Camera-ready deadline: August 8, 2024

Workshop: August 26, 2024


All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth time.


This workshop aims to explore and discuss the advancements and challenges in human-centered interactive artificial intelligence (AI) within the field of human-robot interaction (HRI). It will focus on the integration of AI technologies that enhance human-robot collaboration, ensuring these interactions are intuitive, efficient, and tailored to human needs and behaviors.

Based on Schmidt et al., human-centered interactive AI is defined as an AI that enables interactive exploration and manipulation in real-time and is designed with a clear purpose for human benefit while being transparent about who has control over data and algorithms. This workshop is dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge developments in AI that prioritize interactive, real-time exploration and manipulation, all within the sphere of HRI. We aim to address the design considerations that make AI systems transparent, particularly in terms of data control and algorithmic operations, ensuring that users understand and trust the technology they interact with in the context of human-centered robotics.

As it’s the first edition, this workshop will serve as a platform for fostering innovation, collaboration, and discussion among the HRI community, driving forward the development of human-centered interactive AI in robotics. Through a series of keynotes, paper presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, we aspire to foster a deep understanding of how human-centered interactive AI can be effectively integrated into HRI systems to create more effective, ethical, and user-friendly interactions.



Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:



InterAI accepts paper submissions of length of 2-4 pages (without references) including work-in-progress or prospective work. Papers available online without peer review (e.g., already available on ArXiv but not already accepted or published in another venue) can be submitted.

All accepted papers will be presented as oral presentations during the workshop and will be archived on the workshop website.

Submissions ***do not*** need to be anonymized. All author information should be put on the manuscript.

Authors should use the templates provided by the Ro-MAN. The templates for US Letter format paper should be used. Please download the templates below. 

Paper Templates: LaTex, Word