You will also need to install the google-java-formatplugin. However, a specific version of this plugin is required. Downloadgoogle-java-format v1.7.0.6and install it as follows. Make sure to never update this plugin.

To create a new Java source file (with the .java extension), right click on the directory you want to add the file to and follow New  Java Class. A window will pop up, choose a name for your class (e.g. MyClass), type this in the "Name" field and click Finish.

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You must compile your source code before running it. The javac compiler is used to transform Java programs into bytecode form, contained in a class file. Class files are recognized by their .class extension. The bytecode in class files can be executed by the java interpreter.

To compile all source files: cd ~/cse331-19au-YourCSENetID./gradlew build This will run a Gradle script to compile all the .java files into corresponding .class files. Note that if one or more of your files do not compile, you will receive error messages and no .class files will be generated for the files that do not compile properly.

We have extended the javadoc tool to recognize additional CSE 331 tags, in addition to the standard tags. These additional tags declare specification fields for classes and requires, modifies, and effects clauses for methods. Note that all Javadoc tags must appear after all non-tag comments for classes and methods.

The nice thing about this diagram is that it is not specific to Java. Once youunderstand how to get things working for one language, you can repeat theprocess for any language that implements the language server protocol and debugadapter protocol. For Java, we use Eclipse JDTLS as the language serverimplementation, andvscode-java-debug as thedebug adapter (which leverages java-debug).

To start jdtls using this configuration, place the file above in the folder.config\nvim\ftplugin\java.lua. Neovim will automatically execute this codewhenever a file of type Java is loaded into the current buffer. (ftpluginis shorthand for filetype plugin).

The Java Debug Server is animplementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol available onGithub. The implementation is basedon the Java Debug Interface (JDI). It works with the Eclipse JDT LanguageServer as a plugin to provide debug functionality by wrapping the debug serverin an Eclipse plugin that works with jdtls. To register java-debug as anEclipse plugin we need to pass the location of the jar files to Eclipse as aninitialization option. This requires first compiling the plugin, and secondconfiguring Eclipse to use the plugin.

Navigate to src/main/java/org/example/functions/ to see the code generated. Beside the line 24, you'll notice that there's a green Run button. Click it and select Run 'Functions-azur...'. You'll see that your function app is running locally with a few logs.

Click on line 20 of the file src/main/java/org/example/functions/ to add a breakpoint. Access the endpoint :7071/api/HttpTrigger-Java?name=Azure again and you'll find the breakpoint is hit. You can then try more debug features like Step, Watch, and Evaluation. Stop the debug session by clicking the Stop button.

A google-java-format IntelliJ plugin is available from the plugin repository. To install it, go to your IDE's settings and select the Plugins category. Click the Marketplace tab, search for the google-java-format plugin, and click the Install button. 2351a5e196

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