Website Security Tests Protect Against Application Vulnerabilities

According to Scott + Scott's recent study, more than four in five U.S. companies (85%) have suffered data breaches. This has led to millions of sensitive information being stolen from consumers and their Social Security numbers Fortinet España

Websites and their applications must be protected against security vulnerabilities. Identity, credit card information and billions of dollars could all be at risk. Firewalls are not sufficient to protect against security vulnerabilities.

Firewalls, IDs, and ips are Not Enough

Web applications are full of valuable information that attackers are aware of. They are often helped by several factors. While organizations are careful to protect their perimeters using intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and firewalls, they must ensure that ports 80 (ssl), and 443 (ssl), remain open for online business. These ports are open to hackers, who have discovered thousands of ways to hack Web applications.

Although network firewalls are intended to protect the internal network perimeter of organizations, they can also make them vulnerable to application attacks. Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems, ids/ips, do not allow for a thorough analysis of packet content. Applications that do not provide additional protection are more vulnerable to malicious attacks and other vulnerabilities.

Extreme Vulnerabilities

Security breaches were previously at the network level within corporate systems. Hackers are now able to access web applications within the corporate firewall. This allows them to gain access to sensitive customer and corporate data. Standard security measures to protect network traffic are not effective against attacks at the web application level.

Owasp's Top 10 Web Application Security Vulnerabilities

Open Web Application Security Project, an organization that focuses its efforts on improving security of software applications, has compiled a list of top 10 web-based security vulnerabilities.

1. Cross Site Scripting 2. Injection Flaws

3. Malicious File Execution

4. 4.

5. Cross Site Request Forgery

6. Information leakage and improper error handling

7. Broken Authentication and Session Administration

8. Secure Cryptographic Storage

9. Insecure Communications

10. You can't restrict URL access if you fail to do so

Web Application Security Consortium Most Common Vulnerabilities report

The Web Application Security Consortium (Wasc), which tested 31,373 websites, identified the top five web app vulnerabilities.

Gartner Group reports that "97%" of the more than 300 web sites that were audited were vulnerable to web application attacks, and "75%" of cyber attacks are currently at the application level.

Assessment of web application vulnerabilities

It is clear from the above information that many e-commerce websites can be easily hacked and are easy targets when they are. An intruder needs to exploit one vulnerability.

An automated internet security service must be provided by a web application scanner to protect applications and servers against hackers. It will search for vulnerabilities in web applications.

Web application scans should be performed on every website. They will analyze each and every file in detail, crawl the site, and then display the whole structure. The scanner must perform an automated audit of network security vulnerabilities and launch a series simulated attacks. Web Security Seal should be offered and a free trial.

During the scanning process, a web application vulnerability assessment should include continuous dynamic tests and simulation web-application attacks.

A web application scanner should have an updated service database. Website security tests should detect security flaws and recommend the best solution.

The vulnerability assessment must provide an executive summary to management as well as a detailed report for technical teams, detailing the severity of each vulnerability.

The detailed report should include a technical explanation and recommendations. Website security tests will run subsequent vulnerability scans, and then generate trend analysis reports to allow customers to track progress and compare results.