About Us

Who we are

Intelligence Image Inc. is specialized in development of scientific application for large variety of domains. Our mains expertise is in image processing, 3D data processing and medical device software. We are following rigorous development process to deliver efficient and robust software. Our team of engineers, mathematicians and computer scientist will put all these expertise to the accomplishment of your project.

Medical device software

The development of software for medical devices is a high demand task. Intelligence Image Inc. can offer full solution from defining requirements and doing complete coding with cutting edge technologies. For this kind of device, the solution will not be complete without all the validation process and documentation. Intelligence Image Inc. can prepare all the documentation to be ready to submit to regulatory authorities.


The military applications are always demanding a lot of robustness and efficiency. Intelligence Image Inc. has worked with multiple research centers to develop high level application using different kind of military sensor technologies.


The industrial applications are expecting accuracy and reliability of the software. Intelligence Image Inc. develops this kind of software following state of the art development process to ensure high quality software. The Company has worked on many industrial inspection projects in different kind of sectors.

3D Applications

The world is 3D. That means we need 3D applications. Intelligence Image Inc. uses the cutting-edge technologies to create 3D applications. These applications can do more that just render the 3D data. They create 3D objects from raw data acquired from a scanner or do special real-time processing to do some 3D computation. We are developing large diversity of algorithm to visualize or process 3D data for any source.