So my graphics were working perfectly fine when I decided to download RuneScape (popular RPG game) and it told me my graphics drivers were 1825 days out of date. Sure enough, they were right so I quickly updated them to the newest version.

Even looking through old forums where people had a similar problem to me, the links in the solutions that supposedly lead to the download links for the graphics drivers no longer work, as in this thread for example: -Need-exact-link-to-exact-graphic-driver-for-exact-pentium/m-p/502349#M51631

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Realistic requirements for optimal gameplay

Yup, the "minimum system requirements" listed on the FSX package are pure rubbish though Microsoft and the FSX developers state otherwise. The truth is you will need at MINIMUM:

OK, I have a copy of FutureMarks own testing program 'SysMark05', and I get over 13000 score there, just run this one, and the poor arrow didn't quite know what to do, it was to the right of the green band. ? ?

Id like to hear from someone with similar specs. I have heard people with 3+ Mhz, better video cards, and 1gig of ram only get 10 fps. I want this simulator but I am not upgrading PC anytime soon so if it is unflyable Ill wait.

I've put the display sliders in the middle and I'm getting around 16/17 fps when I'm not in a high density area. It goes down to the low teens when I'm in Vancouver or Seattle with a stutter or two but quite flyable.

Your CPU is on the low side but not all that bad.

You should bump up your memory.

The biggest bottleneck it that old video card.

If you have an AGP slot get the best you can afford, that should show some difference.

Be careful with the settings and you should enjoy flying.

Right now the best flying that you can do is in Alaska in the winter.

Shut down all scenery and boost up mesh, don't have any autogen.

You can max out the aircraft detail but stay away from the AI.

Hi Guys

Just thought I would let you know bought this msx sim weekend and unless you have it running at lowest settings I would give this a big thumbs down and stick with 2004 version, I have now been able to return my msx to the retailer, and get my money back and I will stick with 2004 and I also feel sorry for those people who have spent there hard earnt cash on the sim and not getting the enjoyment they should have

I have the bug however to upgrade my PC. My dilemma however is whether to wait until the end of 07 and build a MEGA PC with all the latest stuff which will last at least 6 months. OR give my current system a minor facelift.

I know for a fact I can upgrade the RAM to a max of 2048 MB. So I can get two 1 GB sticks at 82.24 each. Question is will this make any real difference to flight sim? Is the upgrade from 512 MB to 2 GB RAM worth 164.48 GBP ?

I could suggest a better GFX...I have not FSX but from what i have read, it needs something more powerful in order to get a performance close or like FS9.

1GB of more RAM would be helpful too. ?

If you downloaded the Demo and were satisfied with the results, don't expect the same frame rate from the real thing. I was very disappointed. I use a Nvidie GE with 256 meg of ram, on a 2.66 pentiumD with 2gig. Ran the demo great and the program lousey on the same graphic settings

I agree with the last guest post that FSX is intollerable for frame rates with anything but the basic scenery. The game does not use the SLI facility on my PC so I asume Crossfire won`t be of any help either.

What kind of an IDIOTIC game is FSX???? Here I am reading through this forum and see some guys with fantastic specs on their PCs and still no one can run it fully??? Thats completely insane! Do you really need to spend 2500 bucks on some kind of Supercomputer to run that stupid piece of crap that carries the name FSX????? And then when I think about the minimum system requirements on the box...... those are just big lies because NO ONE will be abel to even sit through the 2 hours it will take to launch FSX on a PC that has the 'crappy' mininum sysreqs......

i put all settings on max and of course it ran terribly. i havent had time to try it since. if i get 2gb of ddr2-800, will it perhaps run on some very nice settings? i was able to play the demo on full settings and it ran excellently. if kippler can't run it with double my ram and an sli setup (my processor is the only part of my system that outperforms his), i doubt this will work very well until a patch perhaps clears this mess up.

FSX is not a stupid or bad.

It has a lot of points updated compare to FS9.

I agree with you that the minimum requirements from MS are out of reality...But this is not a point to make us describe FSX as a ''piece of....''...Yes it needs a good system in order to run but its not the only one.I'm sure you know a lot of games which needs upgraded systems for best performance.

Thats the route...Better graphics -Better Machines(in simple words) ?

I mentioned this in a separate tab. I tried the demo last wk and tried to install a service pack 2 version which didn't come from microsoft. I rendered our mc useless untill we were able to run the reset disk and restore the machine back to day of purchase settings.

I tried out the Trial Version and had it running with all the settings maxed. Didn't experience any problems or slow downs (flawlessly smooth), although I am sure there will be some with the full version.

Hi! I dunno if this is the right forum for this query but you see, I'm planning to replace my old Pentium III 500 Win98SE system with a new mid-range rig on a budget. Will be going the do-it-yourself route. Wanna build something that would run FSX decently (hopefully). Hope you could share your inputs. Here are the following specs I had in mind:

I cannot run it "maxed out" with my OC-ed system, whereas I can run everything maxed out with FS2004. My system specs are posted in an earlier post. I can run any game maxed out except for FSX so like others, I don't know where they got their "minimum system requirements" from. What I really wanna do is try this on a MAC.

Ok, it says my system sucks, but my new video card isn't here yet, and that was the only thing wrong with it, everything else has a tick. But that was for another game.... wrong link i think. But for flight sim x heres my details:

I have installed FSX on 3 systems now to do my own testing.

The first was an Athlon 850 w 256 Megs ram and a Nvidea 5300 with 32 Megs. The basic flight performance with minimum settings was so poor that it was not even a consideration. Frame rates about 7 to11 fps.

The second system was a Celeron 2.7 with 512 DDR RAM and an Nvidea TNT2 model 64 card. The same basic settings as #1 above gave me frame rates of 13 to 19 fps. Free flight was tolerable but graphics were terrible. This computer originall ran FS9 very well at higher settings and achieved frame rates in the 24 to 28 area.

The 3rd system is an Athlon 64 - 3700 with 512MB high speed ram, Nvidea GE force 6200, SATA hard drive. Minimum settings on FS10 gave me frame rates of 32 to 46fps which translated to very smooth flight performance. Movings all settings to the midrange dropped rates to 26 - 30 range. Again still flyable with much better looking scenery. Moving all sliders to the max positions made flights pathetically slow and jumpy. Rates came down to 14 to 19 fps. Just too slow to enjoy the experience.

All testing was done with FSx in unactivated mode which I am told means the automatic time limit for any flying. All systems were running XP pro. 152ee80cbc

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